The Floodgates Open

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Axel: Not a floodgate per say, but another ask from Xeno and 3 from NotGoodAtNaming came in while I was out. Gonna answer them all here... Or rather, the people who got asked will.

Cas: At Bois whaddup. *Reading ask*

M!Riley: Why didn't you do that before...

Cas: Didn't feel like it. Well, when I possess someone I can see some of their bigger memories, like a first kiss, or a favorite movie, but nothing small, like how many blunts Randell left in his pocket this morning. And I try not to pry...

M!Riley: That's a lie and you know it. You get all deep into their thoughts. Won't let a single detail go to waste, if you can find it.

Cas: And who did I do this to?

M!Riley: Me. It's how you never forget my birthday, despite your short term attention span.

Lily: Ooh! Ooh! Me too! Me next!

Cas: Who's the bean?

Lily: I'm Lily and I love muffins! I don't really know what a cake is... Also Numi loves muffins and Numi is my bestestest friend!

Axel: So I see...

Y!Axel: Yo this is a big one!

Axel: Um... We have met. We're all here.

Sly: Tell him how we reacted you dense mofo.

Axel: I wasn't thrown. I've been a kid before.

Y!Axel: I was though. Wish I could grow up, mainly to be like you.

Jacopo: God powers don't just come kiddo.

Shelly: Yeah... I thought the idea of superpowers was cool and all, and then these guys turn up. Like, mind blown.

Colt: My broken ribs would affirm that.

Shelly: I said sorry...

Edge: Herobrin is edgy. I approve.

Herobrin: You're a crackhead. Nothing new.

Slynella: I thought Kid Axel looked just like Axel.

Chappa: He looks more sleep deprived then you and Jacopo combined. Also the squids are... Squiddy. I'll never get used to it.

Reyer: They can't catch me. What does it matter?

Axel: Manners! *Swats him*

Herobrin: Sheil back away from the inbox!

Shealia: But there's one more in here.

M!Riley: Oh shoot really?

Randell: Buddy this isn't a holy Minecraft server. You don't gotta censor yourself.

Once: The last ask is for... Shelly. Congrats, you technically got 2.

Shelly: Oh boy! What's a... Oh I know what this is! Well, I tried to boop lil Judd but he tried to amputate my finger.

Colt: What's scarier is that he was still asleep...

Shelly: YoU sAiD hIs EyE wAs JuSt CrAcKeD!

Colt: Oh no... Well bye! *Dashes off*

Shelly: *Yeets the Reaver and chases him down* Get over here!

Once: Well, this is a... Fiasco.

Axel: I thought you were gonna make a pun. You have let me down.

M!Riley: It's for the best.

Once: Thanks for the continued support! By the way, I might just open up Dares to the floor. Love the fervor of the whole 2 commenters. Hope to see more in the future! See ya!

Y!Axel: Wait... Dares? Oh no... Not with the crazy ghost in here...

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