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"wow it's a small town seeing as I just saw you earlier," I said getting Jared's attention and the other two's

He laughed

"Hey Remy" he greeted

"Hi Jared" I greeted back.

Paul and Sam both looked at me and stared.

"Jared you know Kim don't you?" I asked

"Yea how are you Kim," he asked

"I am great, hey listen about that book report want some help with it?" she asked

"That would be helpful"

she smiled which made him smile.

I watched as the two walked off and talked about the "book report"

"Well bye" I said and headed back over to my table and finished off my lunch and put Kim's in a to go container and refilled her drink before I tossed the trash.

"Wait don't go"

I looked over my shoulder seeing Paul and Sam both

"Why not?" I asked

"we want to get to know you" Paul replies

"You too have girlfriends and I am not about to get stuck in the middle of lovers quarrel" I tell them and head for the door.

"We broke up" Sam tells me

"Sorry about that" I tell him

"it was for the best" he replies.

"none of my business," I tell him

"Well I broke up with my ex cause she wanted someone else" Paul informed me

"I'm sorry" I was confused with why I am being told this.

I looked over and couldn't find Kim anywhere. She left me alone with Paul and Sam I am so gonna get her back for this.

"Jared's walking her back to her work" Sam informed me

"Great," I said then sighed

"We can walk you back" Paul volunteered

"I don't want to intrude," I tell him

"You won't " they both said

 I looked between the two and nodded... I like them and they are single so why not.

"Alright, if you all say so."

Sam took the to-go container and Paul took the drink then once we walked out the door the both offered their arms. So I linked mine with both of them and they walked me back to work.


The guys left but not before Paul and Sam set up a date with me for next week at 7, they will both be coming around to pick me up.

"You are so lucky I got a date out of that or I would have got you back for leaving me alone with them" I tell Kim

"You're welcome" she said with a smile

I grinned and hugged her

"thank you" I replied

we got back to work till it was closing time then we said our goodbyes and headed different ways.

I climbed out of my car and turned to look out towards the woods where I feel as if something or someone was looking at me.  Little did I know it was a black wolf watching over me.

I closed my car door and locked it before I headed up the steps and unlocked my front door and walked in.

 I was ready to call it a night but my phone rining told me someone had plans for me.

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