The affection grew in mortal beings,
And the immortal substance grew bigger.
Hearts exchanged,
The word "Trust" put to test.Since time immemorial the soul smiles,
The grey now black.
Experiences now aging experience.
Much life though smelling ground.Love jeopardizing racial nature,
Dialects fading into complete oblivion.
I can now walk freely in "White".
Voices of rationality tabled in White.A woman leaving her father's security,
The two now one before the eyes of Abba.
So perplexing, the equal now one.
Voices appearing in the Dark.By Wamalwa Emmanuel.
PuisiPoem one: THE EMPTY SOUL: A wounded lover finds healing in the bush, which is a soft and silent place to the heart, after the intimacy comes to halt. The lover visits the Bush more often whenever a remembrance of the past triggers through the vei...