Chapter 3

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I'm fast asleep when strange noises decide to wake me up. Groaning, I open my eyes and stretch, a bit stiff from falling asleep up on a tree. I look around and I'm surprised by what I see. I immediately search for Grandma's book, but can't find it.  As I lean forward, still searching for the book, my eyes find my sleeves and that's when I notice my change of clothes.

"Holly dinosaurs!" I scream, touching my clothes. What am I wearing? I inspect the pair of black pants and black boots, as well as the white blouse and dark blue cape which is hanging on my shoulders. I kind of like it, but it doesn't answer any of my questions. What the hell is happening? Is there a creep who's playing a game with me? I think I may be dreaming, but I'm in a tree who looks similar to the one I climbed on...

I jump off the tree's branch and swiftly land on dirt. I gaze at my surroundings: dirt replaced the grass and it seems I am in the middle of a forest. Weird.

"Watch out!" a voice yells from behind me. Stupid as I am, I turn around and look at what's going on. I scream as high as I can and start running for my life. A freaking dragon is flying directly towards me!

Dragons don't exist! As I run away, I look behind my shoulders. He is gigantic and majestic, ten times bigger than a cow, at least! His wings are each the size of a tree, and as he flies like a bullet towards me, they destroy everything on its path, making a tremendous noise. 

"Beldorf! Remember what I taught you! No snacks while we train!" the same voice I heard seems to be telling the dragon. Is the person crazy?!

I keep running until I'm sure that I'm hidden by at least a hundred trees. Lucky for me, we are in a forest. Also lucky for me, I'm part of the running team at home. I hear nothing during a few minutes and that's when I decide to get out. Probably not wise.

"Who are you?" I jump, scared, as someone grabs my arm. Acting out of instinct, I rip my arm out, whirl around and punch the unknown person in the stomach. "Well, you have a good defense mechanism, that's for sure," he says in a wheezing voice.

He makes me face him and I stare at the person. It's a boy, maybe one or two years older than me. He has short, cropped brown hair and his piercing blue eyes are analyzing me. I don't know who he is, but he is making me uncomfortable. After all, who would like to be held by a stranger in the woods?

"Who are you?" he repeats, apparently annoyed that I didn't answer to him.

"Who are you?" I ask, just to make him mad. It seems to be working as his grip on my arm becomes stronger.

"Are you a witch? A werewolf? A mist?" he questions me.

"A witch? Well boy, we aren't going to start dating soon, I tell you." I raise my eyebrows at him. Who is he to call me like that?

He sighs deeply and with his right hand, he whistles a few musical notes.

"How many weeks did you practice to do that? I managed to do it in two, though Mom thinks it was more four weeks." I blabber on, hoping to annoy him. Maybe he'll let me go and I'll be able to solve this mystery.

The dragon from earlier lands right in front of us, crashing all the tree near us as I stare, mouth wide open. He's beautiful, with red and blue scales. I tilt my head upwards to look into wise brown eyes. Since when do dragons have wise eyes? No, the real question is: since when are there dragons on Earth?! Okay, it's clear that I'm dreaming.

"Hey, stranger," I whisper-yell at the boy. "Do you see the dragon, or is it just me and my hallucinations? Because, right now, I'm having about a thousand heart attacks per minute."

He ignores me and pulls me forward. "Whoa! Where are you taking me? Grandma asked me to be here for dinner and I don't want to be late," He suddenly puts me on his back. "Wait a second, are you a kidnapper?"

A second I was near the ground, and the next, I'm in the air. I yelp and hold onto the boy's neck for my dearest life, which makes him grunt. I stare at the distance which separates me from the ground. Too high for me to jump off the crazy train.

I stare at the boy's clothes and notice how similar they are to mine. The only difference is that he wears a black cape and blouse.

"How are you flying? I mean, you must have some aerobics boots, right? I can't be..." I can't stop talking.

"Magic. Magic is making me fly." he finally tells me.

"Magic. That is totally logical." I let out a stressed laugh. Either I'm going crazy or I'm dreaming.

"Will you please be quiet? I have to concentrate so that we don't fall." I gulp and look down. Way too high for me to fall. I decide to keep my mouth shut.

He arrives near the dragon's head and touches the area between both of his eyes.

"Are you crazy?" I ask, my mouth near his ears. His head moves and blue eyes glare at me.

"I'm communicating with Beldorf. We will arrive at Kyalis in about thirty minutes," he states. He flies behind the dragon's head and I see what looks like a pair of car seats. He lets go off me on one and sits on the other.

He mutters something and shackles tie me to the seat.

"Um... You are a kidnapper. The shackles. It's a classic," I say. "But if you want me alive, I suggest you add a seat belt so that I don't fall during the flight," I tell him sarcastically.

"I'm no kidnapper. You are a trespasser on Kyalis' land. You are to be brought back to the master of the city." he explains to me as if I were an idiot.

"Don't talk to me like that!" I snap. "I was at my Grandma's, I decide to take a book and read, I fall asleep and I wake up to this nonsense." I gesture to the dragon and him as much as I can because of the shackles. "Or maybe I'm still asleep and all this is pure imagination because if this damned book." I think out loud.

He shakes his head and whistles again. The dragon immediately starts flying, which makes me wonders if whistling is what controls him.

"The dragon obeys you because you whistle," I say. I see his hands freeze and he slowly turns around to look at me. I can see he's surprised, which makes me a bit angry. He really did think I was stupid.

"Don't even think about it. Only I can control Beldorf. We've known each other since he was born: he's bound to me and he knows who to obey."

"That's slavery." I point out.

"What's slavery?" he asks, seeming truly interested.

"It's when... You know what? Let me go and I'll tell you." I smile sweetly at him. His gaze sharpens immediately and he looks away.

I sigh. I'm on a dragon's back. With a stranger who seems to hate me for who knows whatever reason. It's going to be a long ride. 

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