dear, zayn
we have fifth period together. language arts. we have a big project coming up. it's worth 1,000 points towards our final grade. it could either make us or break us. Mr. Lancaster is assigning partners and part of me is hoping im with you and another part of me hopes I don't because I'll end up doing all the work.
we put our names in a hat. 23 people. 23 names in 1 hat. of all people my name gets pulled out first.
Aleja is partnered with.....
I look over and I see zayn smiling at the sound of my name. yes. zayn I saw you smiling at my name. I was thinking how cute your smile was and how your eyes sparkled when you heard my name and then all of a sudden I heard zayn's name.
I thought to myself shit. all you did was smirk.
dear, zayn #Wattysaward2016 #Justwriteit
Fanfictionthere's always a end to the story