Sanskar -nothing will happen look after removing her locket we will tie a same type locket it will tell us when she is in danger Shivay -okay ... ................. With help of sleeping pills they made swara sleep then with some people they removes swara locket removed thunderstorm starts
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SSanskar make her wear same type of duplicate locket ........... In a temple Priest-its indication of a disaster. ..upcoming destruction Something happened which shouldn't be happen 2 Priest-it may be due to climate change rain is going to happen Priest-no shankar it's not any ordinary thunderstorm it's upcoming hazard .... .............................. Sanskar -all of u take ur seat in sometime morning is going to happen ...where is kavita Anika-sanskar she gone for changing ................. Kavita -you both devils go what u have to do Devils-after that u will free us Kavita -only If u kill her Devils goes Sanskar -what are you doing here Kavita teary eyes (fake) Sanskar -kavita why are you crying. ..I cant see you in tears Kavita -then what u expect from smile laugh. sanskar why it happens with me always sanskar. previous life in ur love for sister i become devil queen. .I bared everything for your love what I got death from u ....I am not saying u didn't suffer...leave it in this birth u have ur mate really then who am I then ...if ur mate is someone else then why u came to my life...if not this birth also I have to suffer Kavita goes Sanskar having tears of guilt ...kavita looks at him and goes ....... Next day As Swara step down at station ...forest of dehradon where nightmare world existing starts shaking Wizards king-evil power has stepped in dehradon W. Queen -yes I heard kavita came King -don't know but it's not her indication she came here before too .......... Sanskar -priest why u called us in hurry ..we have to examine her powers Priest-did u know what have you all done ...anyone of have any idea Anika -what happen why are you so tensed Priest-u all had free the uncontrollable powers .. Shivay -what's the issue in it ...we can make her wear it again Priest-its of no use know. removing it from her u have wasted the hard work of this much years ... Sanskar -say it clearly what you mean Priest-kavita kaalmaani she is the end of wars then that girl is the beginner Shivay -i am not understanding Priest-first step to the war happened today because of u All rooted at there place Ragini -how can it happened. ...what that girl has connection with war Priest-I don't know but today war has started. no one can stop the war to happen. ..the war will happen the last war between good and evil. ..between supernatural powers Sanskar -any way to avoid this war ..last tym war destroyed many life Priest-there is no way for u all u have to fight ..this war will be more disastrous than previous death or win war .ur one more mistake kaalmaani will come out's better to ready ur troupe war will happen anytime ..... In deep jungles Two devils made swara unconscious. .they were looking at swara to hunt her