Visiting Jet

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Linsy and I were walking to our next class when I stopped by to the school's radio station. Our best friend Lizzie worked there as a DJ. She is pretty cool. She has an amazing voice and pretty great with music. No wonder she got accepted in a hard-to-be-in club like the the JDI (Just Do It) radio. We knocked at the door I'm front of the office. Matthew answered the door.

"Oh hi, Pepper. Hi.. Linsy.."

He seemed rather nervous when he saw Linsy. Matthew has been our friend since we were kids. Linsy and him have been quite close. No wonder he would have s crush on her.

"Hey Matthew." I waved.

"Is Lizzie there? We just wanna see her."

Linsy said as she took a peek inside.

"Uh.. Yeah. Come right in."

Matthew held the door for us. He's been working in at radio station as an assistant for the DJs. He also edits a few songs together. When he has time to waste, he stacks records back to shelves. It's sorta weird how he doesn't get tired of all that dirty work of stacking.

When we got in the next room, we saw Lizzie just about to finish up her last broadcast on air.

"Before I log out, let me give a little shout out to my best friends who are here listening right now. Pepper and Linsy! What's up?!"

Lizzie waved from the next room as we listened to her broadcast in the radio.

"I guess it's time for me to go now! Just remember to have a great lunch and toon in for more jamming songs and another broadcast from DJ Terry later at 5:00! This is D-Dj Liz! Zooming out!"

Lizzie played a song and went off air. She is so sweet. She made a little shout out for us on air! Liz is just so awesome. After she fixed a few thinks inside, she grabbed her bag and came to see us.

"Hi guys!"

Lizzie smiled as if to say: I bet you heard what I said in the radio.

"Hi Lizzie! Thanks for that little shout out! You are soooo sweet!"

Linsy pulled Liz in for a hug. When it comes to bear hugs, you can't escape Linsy's.

"Anyway, did you have lunch yet?"

I asked Liz. It seemed like she was in the radio station all lunch time. I was worried if she didn't get a chance to eat.

"Oh yeah! I did! Thanks for asking Pep. My mom packed me a chicken sandwich."

"Neat! So you done with the broadcast now?"

"Yeah, I am. Let's head to class. Its so sweet of you guys to come and pick me up."

"Of course! That's what best friends do."

We all let laughs and headed to our next class which was Math. I just remembered that Andy Henderson is there too. He's in the same class as me. When class started, I couldn't help but get a huge headache. Trying to find Y? Just made me cut a vein in my brain or something. I'm not good in math. And heck I'll never get better at it anytime soon. It seemed like Andy was sitting at the back of the classroom. No wonder I didn't notice him before. I glanced back and I caught him looking at me. Oh my gosh. Was he.. staring at me? When he saw me look at him, he quickly turned away. I guess he knew that I noticed him. That's strange.

After classes, I went straight home and went to visit Jet. Just wanted to know how he was doing. I knocked on the door. His little sister Julie answered.

"Hi Pepper!" She smiled and waved.

"Hello Julie. I heard that your brother was called in sick. I just stopped by and see how he's doing."

"Oh yeah. He's down with a bad fever but I think he's a little better now. Follow me to his room."

Julie grabbed my hand and we walked up their stairs to Jet's room. On the way, we passed by a hallway and it had many pictures of Jet when he was still little. He was adorable! Haha! When we arrived in Jet's room, Julie knocked on the door.

"It's open." Jet said.

We walked right in and I saw a girl with him. My heart almost dropped down when I saw her.

#author's note

Gotta end it here. Sorry if this was a little short. Its really late. But I'll try to continue as soon as o wake up in the morning. Thank you guys! Please vote. <3 stay poppy! ;)

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