Roger - Beauty And Bounty (Part 1)

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The land of Rainbow is lush and green.
A drop of dew landed on the moist and fertile soil.
Under the moot point of conflict between the six cities, Rainbow is still thriving.

The original residents of Rhye's smallest kingdom are the fairies.
They are all gifted with good physical features and a golden voice.
Golden mane and deep hue of ocean colored eyes and deep garnet ones.

The original fairies of Rainbow had these qualities with an addition of a pair of almost transparent wings that resembles the wings of a firefly, when hit by the rays of sunlight, they give different arrays of colors.

Their longivity is far stretched compared to any other creatures living in the land.

Some of them managed to live for a thousand years and even more.

I'm talking about that one winged fairy that has been living inside the castle hidden in the deep ravines of Budapest for nearly two thousand years.
She is one of my original creations in the land of Rhye.
Quite cunning but an absolute aloof and also had an utmost hatred to every human in the land.
I heared, she banished every human who used to live in the castle.

The Garden Lodge.

Freddie's last vestige was seen within the walls of that castle.

Oh dear.

I'm trailing off, bloody hell.
I am quite famished you know, I tend to talk a lot when my sugar level is low.

Now carry on.

Unfortunately, through the course of time, these traits diminished. The gift I gave them when I was just creating them slowly vanished into thin air.
Their wings vanished.

Of course, they are still the perfect mimicry of my beauty.

They are also bestowed a special gift or in their perspective it is more of a curse - the gift of healing.
They are able to heal minor wound or a simple fever but never on par with my healing capabilities.

They're all lovely creatures, a stark contrast to Freddie's hideous creations which are the humans.
I swear, they're like plague of epic proportions.

I prefer those smelly moss colored, one-eyed ogres living in the treacherous One-Way-Mirror Mountain on Bodukan.

I know it from the center of my bones that our strict rule that no fae gods would interfere in anyway with our creations but I wouldn't dare leave them helpless in the midst of peril.

For nearly a millenia, countless war broke between the warring kingdoms.
Because of their healing capabilities, humans extracted my peace loving fairies out of their homes to aid them to their battles in exchange of loot of gold or proper roof above their heads.

That is saddest part of it.

Rainbow is supposed to be the richest land in Rhye.
My powers waned so hard that I cannot provide proper riches to my own land, to prevent it from further misery, I never left this land except for some important instances.

Humans are the most destructive things ever created.
Probably more powerful that Brian's Red Special.
I always question myself why Freddie made them what they are.

Ah, yes, Freddie is the serial culprit. One day, he vanished without a trace. Leaving all three of us in disarray.
John is even making it harder, he hid himself from us and even making it furthermore hard to comprehend and control everything that was left behind.

Countless innocent fairies has been killed in the frontline and because of their attractive features, they are captured and held as prisoners and sold as entertainers.

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