John - Love and Unity

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"Excuse me sire but may I ask you a question, if you don't mind?

John tapped the shoulder of one of the market seller in the busy street of Odeon.
The pavement is wet and the humans around are scurrying back to their houses. The skies above is grey and you can see the movements of the clouds from above.

Bloody hell, a storm is brewing.
He mused.

John tucked himself inside his leather coat. The market seller whirled around and saw two dark teal eyes staring at him.
His wavey dark brown hair falls like a curtain, down a few inches to his shoulder.

"How may I help you mister?"

"I apologize for interrupting you but I am lost. I came from here -" John pulled out a map from his pocket and showed it to the seller.

"Right here." he pointed his finger to the west side of the map.

"Ah. It's a maze around 'ere. You're not from around 'ere, are you?"

John is silent for a few seconds before opening his mouth again.

"No, I am not originally from here. I am a wanderer you see."

"Ah, a wanderer. Thread carefully young man. Odeon isn't exactly a safe place for a traveller like you."
The seller went inside his tent, grabbing a pencil from his stache. He grabbed John's map and traced a line.

From that moment, the rain poured harder.

"Blimey! Come inside young man. You might catch a cold."

John waved his hand.

"No, thank you. I'm fine."

The seller handed the map back to him.
With careful hands, he tucked the map back to his coat pocket.

"Thank you sire. May the gods be on your favor."

"Wait!" the seller called him.

"I tell you, do not walk the streets of Odeon at night. You have to leave before sunset."

But John only smiled back.

"Do not fret. I know. I am only here to visit my wife. I haven't been able to see her for the past couple of years."

The seller grabbed a small brown sack and grabbed five apples from his shack and placed it inside the sack.

"You came a long way lad. Here take these."

"I doubt. Are these apples poisonous?" John chided with a chuckle.

The seller laughed with him.

"Oh no, absolutely not. I am not one of the Black Queen's lackey"

Black Queen. Ah. It brings back memories.
The abomination.

John took the sack and hang it around his shoulder.

"Somehere far from here."

"How long have you been travelling?"

John is getting impatient. This seller surely is nosy.

"For quite sometime now."

'Quite' is an understatement.
He's been alive for five thousand years now.
All the conflicts between the creatures of Rhye.
All the damned things humans have done for the sake of power.
He seen it all.

Wretched saplings, he thought.

"I am thankful for your generosity. I greatly appreaciate it"

John walked away, tugging his leather coat tightly around his body.

The Seven Seas of Rhye  (Queen Fanfic AU)Where stories live. Discover now