how it started

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Today was no other. The usual twelve afternoon lunch at Uma's dorm room every Fridays were getting a lot more common these days. Friday was her thing, Monday was Mal and Evie's, Tuesday at Jay's and Carlos, Wednesdays at the Tourney field, Thursdays at Audrey's and weekends in the castle.

They were complete, all thirteen of them managed to even fit inside the dorm room the school could offer. Uma was of course, since it was her dorm after all, seated on the windowsill seat, glaring at the cheerleaders that made fun of Jane earlier. She became protective of the small girl, only for platonic reasons. She had her eyes set on someone else.

Harry was sat lazily on the floor, leaning on the bathroom door as he ate his seafood burrito, his lopsided grin appearing on his face as Chad did something very stupid. "Ye really think ye can handle that, aye?" He joked as Chad chugged down the whole milk carton inside Uma's mini fridge. He never really knew he'd be here, to be fair. It just kinda happened. One day they were in the Isle, the next day they were here inside the dorms.

Gil was seated casually on the bed, his arms neatly folded above his chest as he stared at the glow in the dark stars and ships Mal and the others stuck on top of Uma's four poster bed. He was part of the little stunt on Chad, and he's just enjoying every bit of it.

"That burns! I don't even think Hades can swallow that." Chad exclaimed as he fanned his tongue, the guys kinda slipped in some very spicy hot sauce on his pizza, causing him to flail his arms around and find something to wet his tongue. The others laughed at him and unconsciously, he smiled himself.

Lonnie leaned on the wall next to Harry, her feet above his as she laughed along with the others, taking a bite of her own pizza as her suitor complained about how fucking hot the sauce was.

Doug was chuckling as he shook his head, reading another book on composting and recycling as he held on to the last brownie Audrey brought, he was an outcast, sure. He was a nerd, sure. But despite being with the quote unquote, 'Cool' folks, he was still himself and they didn't bother to change any aspect of him.

Jane leaned on Carlos' side, her boyfriend's arms draped around her shoulder lazily as they basked on the sunlight from the window.

Audrey was sat on the bed, scrolling through her mobile phone, reading rumor after rumor, article after article. She was tired of any antics today.

Carlos laughed along, his white hair reflecting the sun just outside the window, he felt safe, in their presence. Knowing that his mother clearly had a little change of heart. He didn't expect a grand change, a little is enough for him.

Jay was busy swatting Mal's hands off of him as he sat on the floor, "Mal, stop!" He grunted as Mal tapped his shoulder again, the action caused a giggle to come out of Evie, and she stopped.

That's when everything began.

It began with Mal staring at Evie and Ben staring at her too. Mal caught a glimpse of it and now she and Ben are staring each other down.

Ben sat on the floor with adoration on his eyes as he looked at Evie. He always liked the way her blue hair was unique, it was electrifying, shocking yet pleasing to the eye. He liked her smile, everyone did. There was something about it that made people swoon. He was so enthralled by her beauty he hadn't noticed that Mal was glaring at him. Green eyes sparked with jealousy.

Mal sat on the chair beside Evie, before glaring at Ben, she was busy staring unashamed at the girl beside her. She loved her, very dearly, might I add. She loved her the first time their eyes met when they were reunited after Evie's ten year banishment. She loved her eyes, the red brown ones that entices and intoxicates her every passing second.

She loved the way she sang, or how she yawns so adorably, or how she sew. Mal loved everything about her. Evie was the fairest of them all, not just in look but in completely everything!

"Benny Boo, you're staring." Evie giggled as she bopped Ben's nose, who was now blushing crimson, Mal huffed silently, catching the attention of an attentive Carlos, who raised his eyebrow at Mal, as if to ask if she was okay. Mal nodded.

"You've been awfully silent, M." Evie muttered, bringing her hand to entwine with Mal's. This caused Mal to do two things. Blush and smirk. Blush because of the action Evie made and smirk because it made Ben frown.

"I've been thinking about things." Mal answered coolly as she held their hands together, her gay ass controlling her body as she pressed a kiss on Evie's knuckles, "Thinking about you, to be exact." It was a corny ass move, she'll admit, but the snorts from her friends were worth it when Mal made Evie blush.

Evie was taken aback as her heart raced and her face flushed, "I- Thanks?" Evie replied dumbly, another scoff made its way on Audrey's lips as she smirked and winked at Mal, who just gave her the finger in return.

Ben had other plans, though, he then grabbed a small paper and began folding. A king's training kinda required origami and he never knew it would come in handy. "A blue flower for a blue princess." He smiled as he handed Evie the paper, it caused Evie to furrow her eyebrows yet smile nonetheless. "Thank you, oh so wise king."

Ben gave her a boyish grin, "It was my pleasure, my queen."

And that was the last fucking straw for Mal.

She growled and stood up, taking Harry, Audrey and Carlos with her as she slammed the door behind her. She was seething.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down, lass." Harry grunted as his back came in contact with a wall, "You can't expect Mal to calm down after all that." Audrey pointed out, Carlos nodded in agreement, "Agreed."

"Anyways, why'd you drag us out?" Audrey asked. Her tone was filled with excitement and Mal knew she was going to be teased just right after her explanation.

"I-" Mal didn't really know. She just felt mad at Ben because Evie's attention was stolen from her.

"You're jealous, Mal." Carlos grinned, Harry nodded in excitement as he pulled on his leather hoodie, "Yer a wee bit obvious, ye know?"


They returned to the room and Mal was greeted by a hug from Evie, causing her to smile. "M, let's go unless you want to be late for Chemistry." Evie smiled as she threw the fairy's bag, "I don't even want to see Mr. Delay!" Mal groaned, Evie stuck her tongue out. "Meet me there, M!" And that was the last thing she said before kissing Mal's cheek.

Mal followed, she fell behind with Ben and he began the conversation.

"Evie's very pretty." He smiled, Mal wanted to argue but he was on the money with that one.

"I know. I'd be very blessed by whoever higher god there is than my uncle if she becomes my girlfriend." Mal smiled, it was an aim for the boy's temper but it was true. "Not if she becomes my girlfriend."

"Are you challenging me, Florian?" Mal asked through gritted teeth. A few bystanders even stopped, Ben clenched his jaw at the name, "What if I am, Bertha?" Few souls were brave enough to holler and cheer, but everything went off once Mal's green eyes sparked with rage. 

Mal was infuriated. "If you can't take it, break it." Mal sang, sending shivers down everyone's smile. Their friends stopped too, Evie and Doug were way ahead of them though, but the rest fell back to start thinking if they could stop the two before things get messier and more violent. "Guys, stop." Uma's voice rang out the halls. Neither of the two stopped from their glaring match. 

"I'm not breaking her." Ben hissed, digging his nails to the palm of his hand, "And you aren't taking her either." Mal growled. Her eyes have never been more green. 

"Then let her choose, Mal. Isn't that why you turned so good? Because you made the right decision?" Ben offered, Mal scowled, yet nodded. "Fine, Benny Boo." Mal spat as she left the King behind. "May the best one win." Ben yelled from the hallways as Mal stomped her way. Mal smirked, "May the best one win."

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