2//Teenage Dirtbag

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I woke up to the sun beaming through the window. I snorted internally. The bitch-ass sun decided to come up on one of my worst days.

Broken images of what happened last night flashed in my mind and I flinched. Getting up, I winced at the pain and walked to the bathroom, turning on the water. As I get in and let the steaming hot water run over my body, I begin to feel a little less stressed and dirty, but the memories of last night still keep flashing painfully to the point where I almost blacked out again, and slipped.

Once I was out of the bath, I quickly wrapped myself in a towel and almost ran to my bedroom. I did not want my Father to catch me in a towel, even if he was rarely awake before I got home from school. I searched through my closet for something to wear that would cover up my bruised flesh. It was painful to even pull on a pair of jeans as I was so sore, and after I had finished dressing I sat down at my vanity table to apply a heavy layer of makeup to cover up the blue flesh. Just a typical day in the wonderful life of Andrea Russett.

I walked up to the bus stand to see my ex-best friend Nicki and the "heart throb" of the school; Cameron. Were all attractive boys blind or just stupidly adherent to teen novel clichés? Could they not see their girlfriends were vipers in the form of sex goddesses?

"Someone opened their legs again, get lucky?" She mocked me, giving out a big, fat, fake 'awwwww'. "I mean come on, we all know that's why she's walking funny!"

God, she was a twisted bitch. I cannot believe I used to be friends with this girl. I looked down, refusing to let her see the tears in my eyes that were threatening to spill over. Trust Nikki to just about hit the nail. Just.

Opened my legs? They'd been forced.

Get lucky? Yeah, maybe if it wasn't my Father doing this shit to me forcefully.

As the bus pulled up and I walked on, she 'accidentally' knocked the bus pass out of my hands.

"Oops," she giggled, kicking it with her foot. "Sorry walking AIDS."

There were a few muffled giggles on the bus but no outright laughs.

Suddenly an arm came from behind Nikki and pulled her into him, her back to his chest, more a restraint than an affectionate gesture. "Enough Nikki." Her boyfriend muttered quietly, refusing to look anywhere but out the window. She humphed, but let it go before walking towards a poor girl and making her give her seat up for her.

I felt everyone's eyes on me, heard the murmured whispers. The power of Nikki- I could go from the liked shy girl to the skank of the school. To my surprise, wonder-boy Cameron was still standing next to me, his feet in a wide stance as he leaned on the wall, one foot propped against it. His brown eyes suddenly met mine and I quickly dropped my head and turned away.


By fifth period, Nikki's venom had spread throughout the whole school. I was the new school skank and though my modest mom jeans and oversized jumper did anything but testify against that, dumb high school kids decided to let words pollute their minds instead of evidence.

Deciding not to go to the cafeteria for 'lunch' as usual (calling it lunch didn't actually mean that I could lunch) so I headed for my usual place: the library.

The library was quiet as expected, with just a few kids sitting and reading. After saying hi to Miss Berkley, the librarian (my favourite teacher) and grabbing one of my favourite books off the shelf, I sat down on one of the beanbags to read, sprawling comfortably on it after just a few minutes of reading contently.

That was until I heard a gasp from above me. Looking up, I saw Cameron, the boy from before, but he wasn't looking at my face. Noticing what he was looking at, I pulled down my jumper that had ridden up while I'd been reading to cover up my exposed bruise. I frowned, refusing to look up at him again and pulling at my jumper hem. Shaking his head, he shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away.

Great. Finally, a boy that knew how to take a hint... Did those even exist anymore?

Sighing at the fact that is been caught out, I clutched my forehead. Caught out by the pretty boy of the school of all people.

As I walked to my locker after leaving the library, I pulled out my notebook with my timetable in it. My heart sank as I traced my finger on my next class.


The cherry on the cake? Cameron was in my class.


My heart sank as I looked at my gym kit. My father had been in a good mood lately and on Monday morning I had packed a tank top and shorts. A bad, bad decision. Pulling them on as painlessly as I could, I suddenly sat on the bench and cried into my hands. Hiding my bruises wouldn't be my only problem today. If walking hurt, what the hell would happen if I did gym?

After the tears had subsided, I held my head up as I walked past the gaggle of changing girls, confidently walking in just their Victoria's Secret underwear, and of course, the proudest of all was Nikki. She looked utterly gorgeous in a black lacy bra and tangerine panties. It was a wonder she had such big boobs seeing as she had no heart. Shouldn't they have just fallen into the cavity in her chest?

Out of nowhere, a wet, dirty polo was flung in my face and as I pulled it from my face and onto the floor, I of course saw Nikki grinning with her hand held out beside her with another polo. Half running, half walking, I got out of the changing room full of laughing girls before I was pelted again, only to see the very face I didn't want to see: Cameron Dallas.


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