Chapter two

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The entire ride to Esther's house in the city was a talkative one. That girl was deafening alongside the traffic and construction, though I enjoyed keeping up conversation with her. I learned a lot about her; such as she is seventeen years old, has a pet sucker fish named Tobious, and is an honor student. I wasn't surprised about her being intelligent, she seemed the type.

Now I stood outside of Veronica and Robs bright cherry red car staring at their thin apartment building, in which was connected to others in horizontal rows. My hand resting on the top of my suitcase handle, zoned out, whilst Esther pulls my duffle bag out from the backseat of the car with a loud struggled grunt.

"This is so HEAVY!" She groans. I turn my head to her, the loudness of her voice snapping me out of my dissociation. "What the heck do you have in here anyway? A dog?" She drops the bag before my feet, which makes me jump and immediately go to grab the handle. Opening it quickly, I peek inside at what I had packed inside. It was my laptop computer and drawing tablet.

"It' laptop..." I say in an elongated sigh. Luckily, neither item was damaged or broken at Esther carelessly dropping the bag against the concrete sidewalk.

"Oh! My bad, I had no idea. Is it broken?? If it's broken I can-"

"No, it's fine. Nothing is broken." I grin up to Esther who does the same in return. Though her grin sighed relief.

"Thank goodness. I'm glad it's not, that would be pretty bad."

"Yeah, it would." I respond, zipping the bag back up and pulling it over my left shoulder, "I can take it inside, don't worry about it."


"Esther, when you get inside would you mind helping Dulce unpack his things?" Veronica asks of her daughter, walking past us both with Rob following in close pursuit, heading to open the door to their small apartment.

"Yeah, sure thing mom. I was gonna anyway. Come on Dulce, I shall take you to your brand new abode." She says in a mocking deep voice, giggling at her own little joke.

I sat on the bed I would be sleeping in for the remaining year. The sheets and comforter were deep green, with faded baby blue pillows resting at the head of it. My new room was quite plain, with soft beige walls and only two oakwood dressers. It had one large bay window with a little couch imbedded inside of it that would make for a good spot to sit and do work or to think. The room was calming, and to finally be alone again was even more so.

I fall back against the fluffy blankets beneath me, my arms spread out wide as if I was about to take flight. I shut my eyes and imagined I was back home again. Mozart laying at my side and my mum cooking me lunch that I didn't ask for but wanted. I curl my body inward like a caterpillar, grinning to myself at the thoughts of home again.

I did this to myself though. I needed to be less anxious and more excited. I was in the States after all, I had to make the most of my experience here rather than loath the entire time. I knew eventually I would have to get used to it and become more freehearted, so why not start now?

With quick positive thought I open my eyes and jump up from my bed, bend down, and throw my duffle bag onto the bed. I stare at it in contempt before I unzip it and begin to begin to unpack. Esther already took care of all my clothing for me, hanging them all up inside of the walk-in closet this room had. All I really need to do is unpack this bag with my supplies and extra essentials. So that is what I began to do.

First was my laptop and drawing pad, then my notebooks and pencils that I set on the rooms study desk neatly. Second was my toothbrush, which I...forgot. I looked everywhere for it but to no avail. Damnit, I knew I'd forget that thing one way or another. Nonetheless, I continue finishing up my new bedroom. It didn't take long for me to clean and organize, as I finish just in time for dinner.

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