Chapter 22 (unedited)

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°Audri's POV°

I looked at his lifeless cold body. I cried as the put his casket 6 ft under it was pouring and no one could even attend the funeral.

I woke up from my dream sweating.

What could that mean?


I brushed my teeth and washed my face. It was about 1:30 in the afternoon and last night Cameron and I made plans to meet up.

I put on a fitted striped black and white dress and black sandals. I left my flat ironed hair down and added a bang. I looked in the mirror and smiled at my small baby bump. At first I was worried that there was something wrong with the baby but the doctor said it is healthy just small.


I arrived at IHop and saw Cameron sitting down and staring hard at each item on the menu. I sat down and he glanced up and smiled.

"Hey." He said as put his menu down.

He looked so good he was wearing a black shirt that had a red nike check cargo pants and his infrared red 6s. He also decided to let his hair grow.

I stared at his pink lips as they moved but I couldn't hear anything.

"But yea what do you want?" He asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

I shook my head and shifted my attention elsewhere. "Sorry what?" O asked.

He just chuckled and looked at his menu again. When I decided what I wanted the waiter came, she looked me up and down then at my baby bump and shook her head in disgust.

She put her full attention on Cameron. "So have you decided on what you will drink sir?" She asked.

Cameron opened hos mouth but before he could speak I did. "Yes I would like some orange juice." I said with a sweet fake smile.

She rolled her eyes. "Bitch do we have a motherfucking problem." I spoke calmly.

She laughed sarcastically. "No ma'am I'm just doing my job." She said with an attitude.

"Nu uh I want a different waiter I ain't having this shit." I replied back to her a little loudly because I saw her manager.

The manager shifted his attention to our table then to the waiter and he walked over to us. "Sha'quanieta is there a problem." He said once he reached us.

She shook her head ad walked away retrieving a new waitress.

A new guy came took our orders and left. "Someone's jealous." Cameron said as he chuckled.

I broke out into a grin. "No she was being rude and I wasn't about to have that." I said. "What kind of name is Sha'quanieta anyway." I laughed and he joined me.

I didn't notice how hungry I was until the waiter returned and handed us our food.


Cameron walked me tk my car. I was looking through my purse for my keys when I found them I unlocked the door and noticed Cameron staring. "What is there something on my face?" I joked.

"No you're just so beautiful and any man who gets you would be the luckiest man on earth." He said as he looked down then up at me waiting for my reaction.

"Cameron please-" I started.

"No Audri I love you and you know that. I would never cheat on you intentionally. At least the baby isn't mine. Please Audri this may sound stupid but I cry at night like a little bitch because you left me with my seed." He grabbed my hands.

"Audri please I promise this is my first and last fuck up just another chance." He said.

I thought about it then looked at him. His eyes were so sincere. "Fine Cameron. But I won't come running back if you get a thot pregnant."

He hugged me tightly. "Are you gonna move back in?" He asked.

"Idk I gotta ask Brea." I said.

"Why her and Jay got bacl together two weeks ago." He spoke as he pulled away from me.

I just nodded my car and got in. "Bye Cameron." I said as I closed my door.

He waved amd walked away.


I pulled up to the apartment and got out. Someone bumped into me causing me to drop my leftovers.

"Shit." I cursed as the person bent down to pick it up.

"I'm sorry about that ma." He said as he handed it to me.

He was fine but then I remembered me and Cameron JUST got back together. I need to control m hormones.

"That's alright." I said as I took my food.

I started to walk away but he followed me. "Aye ma can I get your number." He asked.

I looked at him. "Nah I don't think my boyfriend would like that." I said as I shook my head.

"Well my girlfriend isn't that territorial." He laughed.

I felt embarrassed. "Sorry here."I said as I took his phone and placed my name as Audri.

"By the way my name is Trey." He said as he took his phone back.

"Alright... Trey I gotta go see you later." Smiled as I walked away.


I walked into the apartment. Then I went to Brea's room to find her and Jay making out. I laughed.

Brea glanced up embarrassed. "I thought they were low down."I said

Jay got up. "I know but then my preganant horny ass went and saw Jay and we made up." She said as she bit her lip and looked at Jay who just laughed.

"Alright babe I gotta go." He said before kissing her forehead then lips.


Me and Brea were just watching Friday and eating ice cream when the doorbell rang. Brea wobbled over and opened the door.

She slowly turned to me. "It's for you Audri.


Picture of Trey.

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