2. Sparks Of Love?

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~ Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you~

Nandini huffed as the elevator door finally dinged open and she walked into the seventh floor of the Malhotra Corporation. For some weird reason she hated these elevator journeys, but then climbing seven floors of stairs wasn't an option either. Hence these elevators were an evil necessity. Shaking her head, she adjusted the file she was supposed to show Manik and Mihir regarding the new deal and walked towards his cabin, stopping right outside hearing a laugh.

His laugh.

An instant smile graced her face

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An instant smile graced her face. She absolutely loved those moments when Manik laughed. She could just stand and stare at him all day long when he smiled, because she admired the brown eyes that almost melted with warmth when he did so. His eyes always made her feel comfortable, they were so genuinely happy that it would make the other person at ease instantly.

She gently knocked on the door, and Mihir looked up, gesturing her to usher in. Manik turned too, he was in middle of another bout of laughter but glancing at Nandini, he nodded in acknowledgement.

"What's up?", Nandini walked in and put the heavy file on the table.

"We are having fun", Raima squealed and Manik high fived her.

"At the cost of me", Mihir grumbled and it only made the other two laugh louder while Nandini hid a smile.

"Hey not fair. You should not make fun of Jeejs", Nandini retorted and Raima easily read the mischief in her eyes, while Mihir was begining to grin thinking he had a partner when the grin died hearing the rest of her sentence "Alone. That's my right as a Saali", the trio started laughing again while Mihir just shook his head.

"Bhaiii", Mihir whined, wanting them to stop

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"Bhaiii", Mihir whined, wanting them to stop.

"Yes baby coo?", Manik smirked and for one second both Nandini and Raima stopped laughing.



Raima and Nandini repeated the individual words respectively making Mihir groan and Manik grin before the ladies and Manik burst into another round of laughter, holding their stomach. Raima looked like she would literally roll on the floor if given a chance.

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