Chapter eight: Unloading

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Chapter eight: Unloading

Where we last left you....

Marcus: Well son are you sure you want to know what your mother did?

Alex: Yes dad I do (Kyle) We deserve to know the truth

Marcus: So it started like this......

(Flashback to 18 years ago in New York city)

Leo: Jamie and Marcus where are you?(running around looking for them)

Marcus and Jamie: We're in the study

Leo: We have a problem

Marcus: What's going on?

Leo: It's Skye

Jamie: What the bitch do now? (Annoyed)

Leo: Well she's has met up with the police and she is planning to sell you guys out and have you killed in jail

Marcus How and why?

Jamie: Why else so that bitch could try and take over your gun business and my laboratory and let's not forget we did just set up trusts for our boys and she's big mad she doesn't get a penny We need to handle this bro

Marcus: Agreed but how are we going to handle this without arising suspicion?

Jamie: We don't need to worry because what we do it won't be traced back to us

Marcus: Ok your right so when you want to take care of this?

Jamie: Tonight Leo do you think you could get Skye here let her know we need to discuss our children

Leo: Right away boss (leaves)

Marcus: This better work Black

Jamie: Will you relax it will work especially what I have planned and this what we're going to do......

One hour later

Jamie: Are you ready?

Marcus: Yes I am (knocking) Ok let's get this over with (goes to open door) Hello Skye how are you?

Skye: Marcus how lovely to see you is Jamie also here I'd like to discuss our kids as we agreed

Marcus: That's why you're here please come in (Skye comes inside)

Jamie: Skye how lovely of you to come

Skye: Don't lie to me let's get this done so I can get home I've had a busy day

Marcus: I bet you have the usual Skye?

Skye: Yes thank you

Marcus: (pours drink and hands it over) So you wanted to discuss our kids so discuss what do you want?

Jamie: And you better not waste our time cause we're busy (sipping drink)

Skye: (Sips drink) Ok so here's the deal I will agree to a split custody with you guys so that way you guys can see your sons

Marcus: Oh (sips drink) and what's the catch?

Skye: Let me in y'all business

Jamie: Absolutely not

Marcus: Ok yes you can join

Jamie: (Angered) ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW?!!!!!!!!

Marcus: But I just have one question before I agree Why was you meeting a detective earlier today?

Skye: (looks scared) Uh..... I have no idea what you are talking about

Jamie: Oh really is not for the hope that we go to jail and get killed in order to take over our businesses and the trust funds?

Skye: No no I'd never betray you guys your the fathers of my kids

Jamie: Quit lying and tell the truth for once in your life!!!!!!!!!

Skye: Ok fine I did and there's nothing you can do to stop me your businesses will be mine and I will control the trusts you left for Alex and Kyle

Marcus: Don't be so sure about that

Skye: OOH I'm so scared what you gonna do huh huh?

Marcus: How you like the drink? (Sinister look)

Skye: (Feels sick) What did you do to me?

Jamie: Just a little something from my lab we can't have you going to the cops and risk everything we've worked hard for so sweet dreams dearie (skye passes out) Ok Marcus it's on you now

Marcus: (grabs pillow) Gladly she had it coming  (walks over to Skye and smothers her) Goodbye Skye hope you rot

Jamie: Good job now we need to call Leo and Lucain

Marcus: I'll call them now (dials Leo)

Leo: Yes Marcus

Marcus: I need you and Lucain here to take care of something

Leo: My brother and I are on our way

Marcus: See you soon (hangs up) We did it we actually did it now what?

Jamie: I'll go and take care of Skye's belongings and get our children somewhere safe

Lucain: Marcus where are you.. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Skye she's dead

Jamie: Don't mourn that greedy bitch she was about to take us all now you two included

Leo: I'm not and it's about time you guys did something so let me guess you need my brother and I to dispose of her?

Marcus: Yes we do and leave no trace

Lucain: Ok it's not a problem we'll take care of it bitch had it coming  (picks up body with Leo) Don't worry we got this

Jamie: I'll be right there with you guys thanks (sees Leo and Lucain leave) So now we have to do some cleaning and make sure The Rimaldi's  don't find out

Marcus: Agreed (pours two drinks and hands one to Jamie) To Skye may she have ever lasting torment

Jamie: Cheers

Back to the present

Marcus: And that's the story on why your mom died

Alex: Dad I'm sorry I didn't know that she tried to have you guys killed but I would have never wanted that

Kyle: Same here but now that we know the truth can you at least take us to her grave we have to see her

Jamie: Ugh fine I guess we can go in about three days now let's get home

Marcus: Yea we should get them settled to their new places and it's great we live next to each other so we don't have to separate them

Jamie: I agree well you have a good one

Marcus: You too well alex let's get you to your room

Alex: Sounds good

Meanwhile in a unknown location.....

Unknown POV: Omg I got to see the Mayor again and the more I see him the more in love I get why oh why can't be he mine? Well I have a plan and it's to make his husband move out of town then I'll comfort him and he'll see I can make him happy. This is my vow I will make you mine Marcus Winchester I will make you mine

Uh oh sounds like there's a stalker who wants what they can't have? Tune in next time

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