Chapter ten: How to solve Phillip's problem

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Chapter ten: How to solve Phillip's problem

Phillip: Yes papa Adam's back

Marcus: That BASTARD!!!!! How dare he show his face after all he's done

Zach: Marcus calm down we don't need you to have a heart attack or worry our son

Marcus: Yes dear your right  it's just I worry for him after all he's done to hurt him

Phillip: Papa I know how much he's hurt me but I'm still in love with him and I don't understand why but maybe now that he's back it gives me a chance to work on things

Marcus: Omg are you serious?

Alex: Bro relax

Phillip: I'm sorry but who are you?

Alex: My name is Cody .. I'm your uncle

Phillip: Oh wow a uncle how cool I'm Phillip nice to meet you are you on vacation?

Alex: Not exactly but we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other um.. I'm getting kinda tired do you mind if I take my pie to go?

Zach: Um sure but I was just heading out if you give me a few we can all go home together

Marcus: Sounds good to me why don't you guys head out and I'll meet you home

Alex: Ok bro sounds good

Phillip: Be careful papa (hugs)

Zach: Ok I'll see you at home (kisses cheek)

Marcus: Ok babe I love you (sees them leave and dials phone)

Chase: (picks up Jamie's phone) Hello Marcus  why are you calling my husband's phone on his day off?

Marcus: Nice to hear your cheerful voice  Chase (rolls eyes) Are you guys home I need to stop by?

Chase: Yea we just picked up Kadien and we're relaxing now come on over he'd love to see you

Marcus: On my way

20 minutes later.....

Marcus: (Knocking)

Chase: (opens door) Marcus what's the emergency that couldn't have waited until tomorrow?

Marcus: Adam is back

Jamie: (coming down the stairs) Did you just say Adam was back?

Marcus: (walks inside) Yes now you guys understand the delicate nature of things

Chase: Yea we do and I wonder why Kadien didn't mention anything

Jamie: Cause he knew I'd be pissed

Marcus: Let's focus on the task at hand we need to figure out how to keep him away from  Phillip cause I don't trust him

Chase: You aren't going to kill him are you?

Jamie: Not like I haven't thought about it but no we aren't but I do think we need to keep him busy and I have just the person

Marcus: Wait you mean?

Jamie: Yep

Marcus and Jamie: Lucain!!!!!!

Uh oh what are the men cooking up now and why do they need Lucain? Tune in next time

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