Chapter eighteen: Casper

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Chapter eighteen: Casper

Marcus: Well Casper do you remember or are you going to play dumb? And let me remind you you don't do a very good job at it

Casper: I don't need a history lesson from you to remind me that I'm a no good cheat

Marcus: And that you broke his heart with as many men as you been with you have enough entries to write ten black books

Casper: Damn Marcus you make it sound like I was just a ho

Marcus: Do I need to run down the list?(raised eyebrow) Hmm let's see you slept with Brent then Charlie and after him was Justin then it was Ronald oh no wait it was Dominic then Ronald and then you tried to get with Zach as if you had a chance with my husband and the list goes on and on

Casper: Damn I thought we were friends Marcus?

Marcus: Ah no no my dear I only tolerated you because you were Leo's boyfriend that is all

Casper: Look I know I'm not the best guy right now but I can be again all I need is a chance

Marcus: Look Leo has moved on from you

Casper: (whispers) He's moved on?

Marcus: Yes he has a husband and they are expecting twins soon and yes it took a while but he's finally over you and I'm not about to let you ruin it now

Casper: I don't believe you that he's over me

Marcus: Oh no? (Raises eyebrow) Well why don't I just show you a picture of the happy couple (hands Casper a picture)

Casper: He looks happy was this their wedding day?

Marcus: It was and it was a beautiful ceremony too and I must say Carson has changed Leo for the better

Casper: I can see that but even if that's the case I need to see him and don't you think I don't know make it Leo's decision on whether he wants to see me?

Marcus: I would if he wasn't in so much stress and if you love him like you say then back off

Casper: I can't and if you won't tell me where he is I'll find him myself

Marcus: Let me tell you something and this is a one time offer: Get out of town never show your face again and I won't spill what you did to Lucain

Casper: I don't know what you're talking about

Marcus: Oh so you didn't drug him and tried to have your way with him? And before you lie I have proof

Casper: Ok so what if I did it's not like you're going to tell him he'll never forgive you

Marcus: See this is the thing he may not but maybe he will understand why I kept the truth

Casper: Oh really and why is that by the way?

Marcus: I didn't want to see him hurt but you took care of that all on your own

Casper: We shall see Marcus

Marcus: We certainly shall now do I need to escort you out or can you find your own way out?

Casper: This isn't over Marcus Winchester not by a long shot

Marcus: (Angered) Yes it is now GET OUT!!!!!!!

Casper: (Slams door and leaves) As god as my witness I will find you Leo and Marcus you will pay

Marcus: I got to call Leo (dials number)

Leo: Hello?

Marcus: Leo how are you?

Leo: I'm doing ok we're all prepared for our babies why what's going on?

Marcus: How would you and Carson like to go on a babymoon?

Leo: What's going on?

Marcus: We have a situation Casper is in town and he's looking for you

Leo: I finally moved on from him what does he want?

Marcus: What he always wants to make himself happy and that is you

Leo: Look I'm happy with Carson and I'm not looking to rehash the past

Marcus: I know that's why I suggest this vacation

Leo: But I can't afford it where do you suggest I go?

Marcus: You're going to take my jet and fly to my private island

Leo: Alto isle? Wow you're being awfully generous

Marcus: Yes well if I can help you then that is what I'm willing to do

Leo: Ok well thank you sir I'll let Carson know to get packing and I'll get the keys tomorrow

Marcus: That'll be fine well I should be going you have a good night

Leo: Thank you Marcus and you do the same and thanks again for the vacation and for letting me know about Casper

Marcus: It's my pleasure you have a good night (hangs up) ok now that that's settled I have to take care of a few things because as god as my witness Casper Dè Leon will never break up Leo and Carson NEVER!!!!!!

Will Casper find Leo? Will Marcus be able to keep the former lovers from bumping into each other? Stay tuned lovelies

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