Chapter Three

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^^ That's Amy!

Thanks to everybody who's been reading so far, I really appreciate it! :)


Starlin woke up with a loud shriek, her heart jumping up into her throat as she looked around an unfamiliar place. Dim light illuminated the room just enough for her to realize that she was laying on a bed. She began to cry loudly as the events of her nightmare began to replay in her head. She felt so alone, so scared.

Suddenly, a person rushed from another room and to her bedside. Starlin cried out, twisting and turning to try and get away from them. Some wires attached to her face and arms prevented her from doing so.

"Hey, Starlin," a familiar voice filled her ears. "It's me, Starlin. It's me, Michael."

Michael? Starlin lifted her face, trying to focus on the figure beside her. There was a small clicking noise as a lamp was turned on, brightening the room. Starlin squinted for a moment until her eyes began to adjust. Once her vision cleared, she was able to recognize the kind man from the day before. The one who had rescued her with that woman.

"I'm sorry little one, I was in the bathroom." he frowned, reaching out and stroking her hair gently.

For a reason she didn't understand, Starlin's eyes filled up with tears and her lip began to quiver at the sight of him. Michael wordlessly sat down on the edge of the bed, placing his arms beneath her and lifting her up onto his lap. He rested his chin on top of her head as he began to rock back and forth. Starlin buried her face in his chest, letting her tears soak the front of his t-shirt.

"Shh, it's alright darling," he soothed, rubbing her back ever-so-gently. "Did you have a bad dream?"

Starlin nodded, letting out sobs. She breathed in the faint scent of Michael's cologne, finding it oddly comforting to be near someone who didn't reek of alcohol and cigarette smoke.

"Awww honey," Michael cooed, continuing to rock slowly. "It's gonna be okay, you're safe now baby."

Starlin began to hiccup as she looked up at his face. He looked down at her with a sympathetic smile. He had the softest eyes that Starlin had ever seen. They were a greenish-gray color, but Starlin didn't know her colors well enough to know the name. All she knew was that they were beautiful and kind-looking. His presence made her feel safe, unlike any other adult she had ever encountered. The woman seemed nice, but Starlin couldn't bring herself to open up to her yet. Despite it, she wondered where the woman was.

"Good girl," Michael murmured, wiping the tears from Starlin's face. "You're okay."

Starlin sighed and buried her face in his chest. She was now wide-awake, and despite the boy's comforting she wasn't able to even think of sleep. Michael rubbed her back gently.

"It's been a hard night, hasn't it?" he asked, gently nudging her so she'd look up. She nodded again, rubbing at her eyes with her fists. Though, it hadn't just been a hard night. It had been a hard life for the poor girl.

"It's going to be okay." Michael told her, sitting her up on his lap. "We're going to make sure nobody hurts you ever again, I promise." he held his pinky out.

Starlin stared at his hand, dumbfounded, before glancing up at his face. Was she supposed to do something?

Michael chuckled. "It's called a pinky promise. A pinky promise can never be broken." he explained, gently taking her hand and wrapping his pinky around hers. "There. Now it's sealed."

Saving Grace - Michael Clifford AUWhere stories live. Discover now