Chapter 5

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Haylie! ^^

Michael's eyes flashed with rage as he flung open the front door, eyes searching for his girlfriend. He was greeted with the scent of her favorite candles, and his favorite cookies. He stormed down the hallway and into the kitchen, hearing her voice floating from the dining area. He spotted her standing over the dining room table, speaking quietly to their caseworker, Jerome.

Amy slowly turned around when she sensed Michael standing behind her. Her nervous gaze met his, and a sheepish grin crossed her face. "Hi honey!" she exclaimed in a syrupy-sweet tone. "I made some cookies, would you like some?"

Michael stared at her, feeling his anger steep inside of him as her purposely sweet voice pissed him off all the more. "No thank you." he growled through gritted teeth, his fists clenched at his sides. "You can keep your damn cookies. I'm not hungry."

Amy's facade faltered slightly, worry shining through on her face. It gave Michael an odd sense of satisfaction.

Amy turned to Jerome. "Can you give us a minute?" she asked. Jerome raised his eyebrows, eyes glancing between the couple for a moment before he stood up and walked to the front door, disappointment on his face.

Once Michael heard the front door shut, he looked back at Amy. "Are you serious?" he asked quietly, his breaths coming in short. "What the absolute fuck? You call CPS over to our house without asking me, and ask for my fucking signature?"

"Look," Amy mumbled, avoiding his eyes. "They called and said they were on their way, I couldn't just-"

"WELL THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED ME AND TOLD ME TO MEET YOU HERE!" Michael exploded, letting his voice raise all the way to a shout. "BEFORE THEY GOT HERE! ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?!"

Amy's head snapped up, anger now flashing in her eyes. "CALL ME STUPID AGAIN, ASSHOLE!"


"Oh, like THAT makes it better!" Amy exclaimed, stepping closer to him. Michael rolled his eyes.

"Oh, make ME the bad guy!" he snapped. "What the HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!"

"I'm THINKING that there's a child who needs a home!" Amy retorted. "Do you even care? Are you even THINKING ABOUT STARLIN, YOU SELFISH ASSHOLE!?"

Michael's face turned red as he stepped forward and towered over Amy. "I'm selfish?" he asked, his voice scarily quiet for a second before raising once more. "You were about to SIGN OUR LIVES AWAY LIKE IT WAS NO BIG DEAL, AMY! Is it because you wanted to take something into your own hands? Or are you sad because I haven't FUCKED A BABY INTO YOU YET? ISTHAT IT!?"

Amy stepped back, her eyes widening with shock for a brief moment. She focused back on him, her eyebrows furrowing. "That wasn't necessary, you dick." she growled. "Do you know what's going to happen to that little girl? She's gonna go to foster care. Where they don't give a shit about kids, and send them from home to home and are often fucking abused behind the scenes. Are you too worried about your precious ego? She'll end up right back where she started, and it'll be YOUR FUCKING FAULT!"

Michael threw his hands up in the air with rage. "I WOULD NEVER!" he screamed. "NEVER SEND HER TO FOSTER CARE! Do you REALLY THINK I'M THAT MUCH OF A COLD-HEARTED ASSHOLE?!"


Michael laughed mockingly. "Oh, I don't know, maybe ASHTON AND HAYLIE!" he yelled. "DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG THEY'VE WANTED A BABY?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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