Chapter 6 - The Cave of Horror

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    Kaylie looked around in horror, she couldn’t be alone, she just couldn’t be. She hated to admit it but loneliness was a problem for her, which was why she was always getting pets and never home when her parents are out. She looked around again still not finding anything to help her, or anything at all. She closed her eyes and sat on the floor, breathing heavy. “No, no, no, no.” She whispered on the verge of tears. She took a deep breath and let it out. “Get a grip” she breathed as she stood up and looked one last time, this time scanning everything. 

    She looked opposite of where the entrance used to be and noticed a piece of wood that she could have sworn wasn’t there before. She slowly walked over to it and saw there was words on it, they read

You can fear me
Or fear me not
But the only way through
Is from this spot
I see all
When you see none
Be forewarned
This won’t be fun

    Kaylie just stood there, she was defiantly scared now, but if being the daughter of the richest parents in the city had taught her anything, it was she couldn’t show her fear. He walked through an opening that was blocked from view by a stalactite. What lay on the other side was not what she expected. There was a field of green grass with yellow flowers and sunshine, even though she didn’t know where the sunshine came from because the cave roof blocked it from the outside. She turned to go see if there was another way through the cave but when she turned, the entrance was gone.

    “Of course” she said aloud, she didn’t know what she expected after it happened the first time. She turned back around and took another deep breath. She stepped forward. She paused, expecting the roof to cave in or something, but nothing happened. She continued to walk feeling more at ease but still feeling like something was wrong. About halfway through was when everything went wrong. She stubbed her toe on a stone and fell over. She got up and brushed herself off, but then she felt a tremble in the ground. It started off quite but got loud real fast. She started a dead run to the other side not wanting to get caught up in whatever was making the ground rumble. She tripped again and this time caught a glance at what was happening. Lying on her back she noticed cracks running along the roof and saw stones falling from the ceiling. She sat up and ran as hard as she could, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She noticed a hole in the wall up ahead and ran even harder. There was a loud crack as a chunk of rock started to break loose right above the exit. She was wheezing from the exertion of running so far but didn’t dare stop. She was about twenty feet from the exit as the stone broke loose and started to fall. She didn’t stop running. She fell and rolled through the exit as soon as the rock fell blocking the light from the field. Kaylie laid there and caught her breath. After a while she sat up and noticed she couldn’t see anything.

    “Great” she moaned as she stood up and held out her hands, feeling around for the exit. What was wrong with this stupid cave? She touched something slimy and reeled her hand back, letting out a little shriek. She wiped her hand on her shirt and kept feeling around hoping she didn’t find anything dead. She stepped on something hard and it cracked under her feet. Bones. Just then the room erupted in a loud sound of hollow clattering. She stopped in her tracks her heart racing. She started to run at a slow pace and ran face first into something hard. She reeled back and strained her eyes to get the slight hint of light when she remembered the words carved on the wood. I see all when you see none. 

    Kaylie closed her eyes, what’s the point of them open when you can’t see anyway, she relied on her other senses for help. She heard the clatter of what she could only imagine were skeletons chasing her. She ran harder trusting her senses would get her out of here. She heard the clatter of bones to the right of her so she went left and noticed a fresher smell in the air. She ran towards the smell and felt the room get bigger. She stopped and felt a breeze on her face. She was suddenly struck by a thought as she opened her eyes.
The first thing she saw was blue sky, which struck her as weird, then her eyes drifted down and all she continued to see was blue sky. She was somehow on a cliff. She was stuck with an awful thought, but knew it was the right thing to do. She turned backwards and closed her eyes as she fell of the cliff, facing her fears head on. 

   She opened her eyes to find herself a cavern she hadn’t seen before. She knew falling was the right thing to do because all the other tests had been about her getting over her fears, she just didn’t know what this one was going to be, and all she knew was that she was ready for it. 

    A blinding light appeared from the opposite wall she was standing and she covered her eyes. Only when the light had vanished and she moved her hand from her eyes did she notice the women standing in front of her. It was the women in ragged clothes, but she looked way better now than she did before. “How would you like to be my apprentice” she asked kindly.

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