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Richie's pov

I saw her. She was by her locker talking to some dude. They laughed with each other. Eddie was next to me. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah great.." I said and headed to class.

After school - your pov

I was walking with richie and he seemed annoyed. "Richie are you ok?" I asked him. He stopped walking and looked at me. "Y/n, i like you and i was just super jealous when you were talking to that guy..." he continued talking which was annoying. I stop him ny smashing my lips on his. We pull apart. He was pink. I smiled. "I like you too, tozier." I said. He smiled. We then walk to my house. (And yA ;) )


Sorry this was short!

If you guess have any ideas or requests please tell me, kinda have writers block on this, ill try to think more!!

Hope you enjoyed!!!!


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