Chapter 1:

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Beep.. Beep... Beep... The alarm goes off. I smack my hand on the top of the alarm and get ready for school. There's this pain so bad in my stomach it feels like someone punched me as hard as they could in my stomach. I'm feeling very dizzy I run down stairs.

"Mom I have this sharp pain in my stomach and I'm feeling really dizzy," I say in fear.

"Alright go back up to your bed and go to bed and I'll make you a doctors appointment," mom said Comely.

"Okay mom," I said.

So I walk back upstairs get in my bed and try to go to sleep. I just can't the pain is so bad. Then I remember its been 2 months before I've had my period. An hour later my mom walks up the steps.

"Time to go to the doctors," mom said

"Alright mom," I said.

I walk down the stairs and put my shoes on. I've noticed I've gain a lot of weight the past few days.

When we are in the car I look over at mom.

"Mom I have something to tell you and you're not going to like it very much" I said scared.

"What is it," mom said in a harsh tone.

"I think I might be pregnant," I said.

"You better hope not," mom said meanly.

"We'll I guess we will find out know won't we," I said in a snoby way

We get out of the car an walk into the doctors office. My mom goes and signs me in while I go and sit down. When my mom's done signing me in she comes over and sits down nests to me we sit there for about an hour. We get called back.

"Jump on the scale," the doctor said

"Alright," I said.

I look at the scale and I weigh 130 20 more pounds then I did 2 weeks ago. We go back into the room she puts us in.

"Have you had sex any time soon," the nurse said.

"Yes," I replied.

"When was your last period," the nurse asks.

"2 months ago," I reply in fear.

"Alright we are going to give you a pregnantce test," the nurse told me

"Okay," I said.

She walks me to the bath room and hands me the test. I pee on the stick and give it back to my nurse. She takes it back too get tested and I walk back to my room to hear a big election from my mom. When I get to the door my brain gives me 2 options walk in the room and face my mother or run. But I end up facing my mother. Surprisingly my mom is calm and doesn't even talk to me. The doctor comes into the room.

"Anaballa it look like you are 2 months pregnant," the doctor looks at me and says.

My heart sinks to my stomach and I walk out of the room to make my follow up appointment for them to tell me how good or bad my babies doing.

"Is January 15th alright for you to come back in," the lady at the desk asks.

"Yeah that's fine," I say in frustration.

"Alright your down for 3:00p.m," the lady replied.

She hands me my papers and I head out the door to the car which my mom was sitting down in. I was so scared to go into the car. I was scared she was gonna slap me or throw me outta the car. I was so scared all I wanted to do was sit on the ground, curl up in a ball and cry but I face my fear and get in the car anyways.

"You are gonna but that baby up for adoption aren't you?" mom said in a snoby tone.

"No mom I'm not gonna do that to my child you didn't do it to me so why should I do it to mine," I said with an attitude.

It was along drive home with nothing but arguing and I'm not giving my baby up for the world. I don't care if it hurts my mom that I'm keeping it. Even if she kicks me out its never gonna change my mind.

When we get home my mom tells my dad. He won't even look at me or talk to me he just has this disgusting look on his face. I don't know what to do so I run up to my room get in my bed and cry myself too sleep.

The next morning I get up get myself ready for school and walk out the door without saying a word. I start to walk to school in the cold when I hear a car drive up beside me. I look over to see who it was and it was my mom.

"What do you think you are doin?" mom questioned

"Walking to school because it seems like you guys don't wanna deal with me," I said

"We'll that's not true. We just can't believe you went and got knocked up," mom said

"We'll I'm sorry things happen," I said

"Get in the car i'll drive u too school," mom tells me

I open the door and climb in. She drives me too school and when I get there I look at my mom and say "I love you mom,"

"I love you too sweetie" she said nicely

I walk up the sidewalk to the schools doors. I open the door and walk in.

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