Chapter 2

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When I go to my home room I get asked a bounch of questions on why I wasn't at school yesterday. I just ignore them until I find Alex.

"Alex I need to talk too you," I say.

"What is it babe," Alex replied.

"Your not gonna like this but I'm pregnant," I say quietly

"What!" He yelled.

"It's yours don't worry about it," I said kinda snoby.

Alex runs out of the room. I don't know where he is going and class is about to start. I see Mrs.Linda walk into the math room. She looks all around the room like something's wrong.

"Where's Alex? He's never missed a day so far" Mrs.Linda said.

"I don't know he ran out the door like a minute ago" my friend Paige said.

"Oh alright I'll let the office know he ran out of the classroom somewhere" Mrs.Linda said.

The whole class got silent and everyone's stairing at me like I did something to him. But all I do it get my notebook out and start to write. Mrs.Linda is up at the board about to tell us something when the bell rings and inter-ups her and the announcement come on. We say the plague of allegiance and sit back down. After the announcement Mrs.Linda gives us our math text and tells us to begain. I struggle to finish my test because I'm have very back stomach pains. As soon as the bell rings to go to second period I get up and go to Spanish.

In Spanish class Mrs.Smith teaches us how to say a ton of words in Spanish. It's very boring in this class but atleast it's easy. Mrs.Smith hands us our home work and we begain to work.

"What's wrong" Mrs.Smith asks

"Nothing, why?" I reply

"You just look sad like something's wrong" Mrs.Smith said

"Nope nothing's worng" I reply and finish working on this Spanish paper.

I don't get it done before the bell rings.I quickly put my homework away and walk to 3rd period which was language arts which I have for 2 periods.

Ms.Tanner was sitting at the door watching her students walk into the classroom. I grab my binders out of the creates and sit down. A ton of my friends come over and sit next to me.

"You seem down or worried" Bella said

"Eh idk I'm fine just fighting with Alex" I say

"Oh I hope you guys stay together you guys are so cute together" Bella said

"Don't worry he's kinda stuck with me" I reply

"Why's that? You know he can leave no matter what right" Bella said

"It's complicated I don't wanna talk about it" I shrieked

I get up and move away from them and begain the paper Ms.Tanner set out for us too do. I go to science,study hall ,lunch,gym,history then go home.

I go up stairs and go to bed. I'm so tired. My eyes can't even stay open. I fall asleep instantly. All I dram about want what I was gonna do after I had the baby was I gonna go to school or drop out. I didn't know and I didn't really care to know.

My mom woke me up to eat dinner and then she reminded me I had a doctors appointment tomorrow at 3. I really didn't wanna go I already know I'm pregnant I really don't care to see the alter sound. I mean its pointless there's this moving little object in me I already know this I don't care too see the stupid thing. But at the same time I wanna see her or him I mean it is a part of me. If you had a baby would you wanna see the altar sound?

When I'm done eating dinner I finish my homework and take a shower. I can finally see a little belly I mean its not that big but it's not that little either. Before I knew I was pregnant I just thought I was getting fat. I use to be the skinniest girl and now I'm gonna be known at the pregnant slut. Just great just what I wanna get called. I head to bed and go to sleep.

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