Chapter 10

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    "Favorite animal?"
    "Dogs, definitely dogs," I grinned.
    Roach winced. "Oh don't let Soap hear that. He hates dogs."
    I couldn't help but laugh as I dealt a new round of cards. "Any reason why?"
    "No idea," Roach shrugged. "Just don't tell him."
    "Tell who what?"
    Roach about came out of his skin as Soap spoke. I held back my laughter, only giggling in a light manner. Ghost rolled his eyes, finishing his cup of coffee in one swig.
    "Oh nothing," Roach waved a hand, shooting me a look.
    "Roach," Soap extended his name out in a parental way.
    "So you hate dogs?" I uncrossed my legs and put my cards down.
    Soap flinched. "With a passion."
    "Interesting," I smirked. "Now I know what to torture you with."
    Soap only shook his head, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Ghost shot me a curious look, one that questioned how Soap and I were so much more talkative. I was afraid someone had noticed our initial head-butt.
    "We leave in twenty," Soap turned to face the three of us. "Shepherd wants us to lead the counterstrike. Russians are using oil rigs as SAM sites."
    "Oil go boom," Roach smirked childishly.
    Soap popped the back of his head harshly. "Meet me in twenty."
    "One of these days, I'm going to smack you too," I glared at Roach.
    "Make sure to hit him hard," Ghost agreed.
    As I stood to leave and gear up with Ghost, Roach let out a huff of frustration. "Why do you all hate me?"
    "Why are you such a child?" I called back as we entered the smaller hallway.
    There was a pounding of footsteps and I turned just in time to see Roach swinging me up like a hefty football player. I let out a cry of surprise and gripped the back of his shirt. Holding me like a sack of grain, Roach continued walking down the hallway next to an amused Ghost.
    "Put me down you bastard," I wiggled to try and be released.
    "I'm trying to show you I'm not a child."
    "Strength doesn't prove anything," I groaned, facepalming. "This very action does though. Let down or I'll puke down your back."
    "Try me," Roach held onto my legs tighter.
    I turned my head to shoot Ghost a look. He only shrugged, a sign he wasn't going to help me one bit. I'd gotten myself into the situation and now I had to get out on my own.
    "If Shepherd sees us like this—"
    "I'll say I'm taking out the trash."
    "Fuck you," I kneed his pectoral and he grunted, grip loosening. I easily slid around him, dropping down to face him. Roach grinned as I socked his bicep as hard as I could. "You'd offend him more than anything."
    "Sure I would."
    "You better watch yourself, Roach," Ghost finally spoke up, his accent in deep caution. "Are you forgetting what she did in Rio?"
    "Body-slamming...twice," I held up my fingers. "I'll kick your ass."
    "Or my chest," Roach rubbed the spot I'd kneed with a frown.
    "Indeed," I slapped the place twice in harsh pats as we entered the armory.
    Roach held in a gurgled moan as I left his side to gear up and Ghost only chuckled as he did the same. Roach decided pestering me more wasn't worth it as he followed suit.
    "What exactly are we doing with these?" I already knew the answer upon lifting up the black dry suit.
    "Going for a luxurious swim, of course."
    "Shut up Roach," I growled.
    My fear of water entered my mind once more. I blinked to try and forget the day I'd almost drowned at a beach when I was little and how, ever since then, I was reluctant. Sure, there were swimming requirements in training, but they never had us practice in the ocean.
    "You good Sam?" Roach had stepped in front of me, waving a hand.
    "Yeah, yeah," I nodded, ignoring the tightness in my chest.
    "Roach," Ghost caught the man's attention. "Go find me that glove will ya? Might be in the extra crate."
    Roach only nodded and then exited at a brisk pace.
    "You're afraid of it, aren't you?"
    "I'm not—" I broke off and released a breath. "I'll be fine."
    "I'll make sure you're on the same SDV as me."
    "Ghost, I don't need it," I breathed.
    He shot me a narrow-eyed look. "Why are you so reluctant to accept help?"
    "Because I'm not used to having it!"
    As my loud outburst ended, Roach came back around the corner holding a black glove. My fists were clenched around the material of the suit and Ghost had opened his mouth to respond. Roach glanced back and forth quickly.
    "We have five minutes, you know."
    "I'll be right there," I turned from the two of them and began to slip into the dry suit.

I focused on keeping my breath even and steady. Bubbles drifted upwards from my oxygen mask, disappearing into the pressure of the ocean water all around me. A chill entered my spine despite the dry-suit and I shifted in my position on the SDV as we moved forward.
    The oil rig was almost directly above us as we released the vehicles and gradually traveled upwards. I glanced to where Ghost was nearby, his eyes glancing my way once before he focused on reaching the surface.
    "Хватит курить эту дрянь. Лёгкие посадишь."
    Two Russians stood across from each other directly above us. I narrowed my eyes, listening to their bickering over a mere cigarette and then watched Soap and Roach inch closer.
    "On your go, Roach," Soap spoke into the comms.
    Roach didn't hesitate to breach the water, grab the Russian guard, and hold him underwater. His hand skillfully slit the soldier's throat as he held him close. Finished with his attack, Roach pushed the man down deeper into the water and then swam upwards.
    I pressed upwards, breaching the water and feeling more claustrophobic than ever. My hands gripped the edge of the platform as I hauled myself upwards. With the weight of the oxygen tank, I found my fatigued muscles quivering.
    Soap came over and guided me up as the others stripped their tanks. I shot him a silent glance of appreciation and then copied, dropping the heavy oxygen tank to the metal platform. My hands found my rifle as I withdrew it from the special case on my back.
    "Two hostiles down in section One-Alpha. Moving up to section two," Soap reported.
    The sub commander of U.S.S. Chicago responded with a short. "Roger, Hotel Six."
    "Keep it tight people," Soap ordered, moving up the steps to the next level of the structure.
    As we moved up the stairwell, my eyes spotted the figure of a smoking Russian. Ghost was the one to point the guard out in a low voice.
    "Free to engage with suppressed weapons only," Soap ordered.
    Someone out of the group hammered a few shots into the man's upper half. He made no sound as he flipped over the railing and disappeared into the whispering ocean below.
    "Civilian hostages at your position, watch your fire," the sub commander came through the comms.
    "Team One moving to breach," Soap commented as the entire group fanned out around the different areas to breach the unaware room.
    I checked my weapon as I came up beside Ghost at a separate door from Soap and Roach. He nodded my way once after placing the charges, a sign to be ready.
    In all my missions and tasks, I'd had little amounts of breaching. Sure, I used the whole "surprise-I'm-here" tactic, but most were more...sly. I'd only ever kicked down three doors and two of them had been to escape death in timely fashion.
    This situation was exciting.
    We breached the room from three different sides. The Russians shouted surprised curses and orders, trying to fend us off while also trying to kill the hostages with their final chance. For them, it was much too late.
    "Clear," Ghost announced.
    Soap reloaded his rifle. "Hostages secured in section Two-Echo."
    "Roger that," the commander came in. "Team Two will secure and evac, continue your search topside."
    "Let's move," Soap ordered, leading the way to the stairwell for the next level.
    "Awfully quiet over there," Roach glanced my way.
    "Just focused."
    "As you should be," Ghost scolded and passed Roach. 
    The younger man's faced soured, as if silently arguing that he didn't need to be told to focus. I had to agree with him too. Roach was a strong and smart soldier, while young. He had proven himself to be a riot, but also carried the ability to settle down and finish the mission. 
    He reminded me of a man named Joey.
    To the thought of a past soldier, I became overly mentally guarded. He had been the youngest and a goofy human being, just like Roach. His determination and undying loyalty was what had kept the group moving forwards through tougher times...he had also been the first to fall. 
    "Enemy helo patrolling the perimeter. Keep a low profile, Hotel Six."
    I heard the sound of the Little Bird before I put eyes on it and broke away from my depressing thoughts. With the spotlight scanning the darkened oil rig, I sought out places for hiding if needed. My eyes settled on a crate, then a wooden box, and finally a corner out of reach from the spotlight.
    "Get out of sight!" Soap ordered in a hissy tone as the chopper rounded where our team moved.
    I darted for the corner, tucking my smaller form into the tight spot. The others found spots both prone and crouched as the bird scanned where we'd been moving seconds beforehand.
    My lips released a breath as the bird continued on, the sound of it growing fainter. Soap made a move to stand and the others copied. I slipped out of the dark crevice.
    "Hotel Six, more hostages are at your position."
    "Roger," Soap managed as him and I crossed paths at the same door.
    I raised an eyebrow. "Ready?" 
    "Breaching!" Roach announced.
    Soap kicked down our door as the room was breached in equal direction. I filed in after Soap, shooting at the few enemies located inside. They were completely caught off guard, shouting to defend and then squealing as they were pelted with bullets. 
    "Room is clear," Ghost shouted from his end. 
    "Room is cl—argh!" I broke off as a hidden Russian guard attacked my flank.

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