Chapter 17

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    I about came out of my skin when I realized that someone else was already in my quarters. Soap sat at the edge of my bed and ducked out of the way of the boot in surprise. He sat up straighter as I stood on two legs again. 
    "What the fuck are you doing in here?" I demanded.
    "What I said wasn't right," Soap held my gaze firmly.
    I let out a huff, rolling my eyes. "You think that I want to talk about this right now?" 
    Soap only stood. "No, so we won't." 
    "Get out of my quarters," I slowly stepped back as he closed the distance between us. "Now—" 
    I couldn't get anything else out because Soap was suddenly hugging me. My lips parted to argue against it, but suddenly I couldn't help it. I was gripping his shirt and drawing him closer. I was breathing in his scent like it was the last thing I would do. 
    "Sam," Soap murmured, slightly drawing us apart. "I know we haven't known each other very long and I know I said I'd stay away, but truth is I can't. There's something about you I can't stay away from no matter how hard I try." 
    I blinked in more disbelief. Was he confessing the tension between us? After the short time and all my trained thoughts with him, he was reverting back? 
    "This is stupid," he whispered, taking my face in both my hands. "All of it. We're soldiers. Are you forgetting?" 
    "No," I shook my head. "I never forget what I am." 
    "And that's what I love about you," he whispered. 
    I couldn't stop my feet from extending as I leaned up and connected our lips together. Soap's thumbs dug into the bottom of my jaw, forcing me to lean further upwards. It was like the first night all over again...the want, the need, the safety. 
    My arms draped around his neck as Soap clutched the backs of my thighs and lifted me. He shoved me into my door, pressing his waist against mine as he pinned me there. I panted into the kiss, feeling a familiar heat rise within my core. 
    "I'm sorry for what I said," Soap whispered. 
    "And I'm sorry for how I've been acting," I murmured back, staring at his calm gaze. "Everything is just an..."
    I smiled. "Exactly." 
    "And with Price—"
    I shut him up with a finger to his lips. "I'll fix that tomorrow. I already planned on it since I'm staying." 
    Soap looked relieved. 
    "We're a team," I brushed his short mohawk backwards. "We have to act like it." 
    "Where's this coming from?" Soap openly wondered. 
    "I almost just resigned, but then I rethought some things," I loosened my legs so he would let me down. "I can't fight against Makarov alone. You guys are all I have at the moment and I shouldn't just throw that away." 
    "I'm glad. You leaving...I don't know what I would've done." 
    I only smiled, pressing past him deeper into the room. "Why are you really in here?" 
    He looked reluctant. "No important reason." 
    I shot him a look as I took my other boot off. "Tell me. After how tonight has gone, I think I can handle it." 
    Soap clasped the back of his neck. "You seem like you're more focused than usual. I don't want to change anything—"
    "You just kissed me," I pointed out. "Soap, you're all over the place. What's going on?" 
    "I can't stay away from you," he grumbled, plopping down on the bed next to me. "It's agonizing." 
    "I'm nothing special Soap," I chuckled. 
    "You are to me. I don't know how and I know I've tried to fight it, but fuck. You make me...crazy." 
    I smiled, kicking my boots to the side. "You better not be turning on me now. I've tried very hard to forget certain...feelings." 
    "I've tried too," Soap sighed. "You have more self-control than I do, it seems." 
    "Not surprising," I laughed. "I'm you see me as someone different than that first night?" 
    "That's not a question," Soap huffed. "You're much more." 
    "A few days isn't a long time for change," I reminded. 
    "Missions feel like days and every time between feel like weeks," Soap argued.
    I felt my hand betray every ounce of control I was using at the moment as it shifted to his thigh. The silent truth was that Soap's kiss had broken down everything I'd built up against him. I tried to be the soldier I knew I was—one of control and respect, of rules and perfection—but Soap was my first weak spot in years. 
    His eyes shifted to my hand and then up to my face. I met his gaze in silence, enjoying the moment to study his handsome face, the colors embedded in his eyes. His lips were thick and soft to the gazes of others. His nose was also thick and straight, nostrils flaring as he took a deep breath. 
    "Soap," I spoke with a rough voice, "stay with me tonight."
    "Lass, I don't know if that's a good idea." 
    "You know why." 
    I felt a wave of remembrance warm my belly and I stood to loosen my hair. "It's been such a long day." 
    Soap's eyes flickered in recognition and his lips smirked, his belly rippling into a chuckle. I grinned and let out laughter as he caught me in his arms; I dipped down swiftly, straddling his legs. His hands gripped my ribcage as he thought, I bit the corner of my bottom lip. 
    Soap was careful in his movements as he flipped us over. I bounced on the mattress as he towered over me forcefully, his eyes narrowing in playfulness. 
    "We should do something about it." 
    I grinned again, finding the tingly feeling in my gut genuine, and Soap warmly smiled as he dove down for a kiss. 

I let my guard down. 
    I completely, utterly, fucking lost it.
    The most difficult part to accept was that it was over a damn guy. I opened up my heart for entry and he took every inch. 
    There was no going back now. No fucking way. 
    He had my heart and now I was utterly screwed. All the years of building up an invincible wall to avoid being brought down were long forgotten with Soap. Except...he didn't bring me down. No, not in a single way. 
    I didn't know what the hell had caused it, but there was something in this man that I couldn't ignore. What would happen now with our relations to each other was clear, but I didn't trust it. I didn't trust our environment. 
    A single badly-timed second and the two of us would become one. 
    That's what I didn't trust. That, and the impossibly fast beating of my heart when I made eye contact with him. I didn't like how vulnerable I became with him. Not after only knowing him for a mere week. How the fuck did I even begin to describe something like that? 
    At one moment, the man was a mere stranger...someone I'd met through a dangerous world. And now, he meant an incredible amount to me. Over one night of sex? No, but the moments between. The conversation and connection was incredible, unimaginable even. 
    My mother had always said things about love that my older self scoffed at. "When you know you know Sam" and the common "true love really does." I didn't believe a single ounce of what she talked up, especially because of her relationship with my father. 
    But now I did. 
    One thing I swore to myself was that I would love on this man unconditionally. However, I also swore to never forget who I was or what I'd done. I was still a soldier and a woman who had gone through too many shitty and dark times. I would never pretend that everything was all right and dandy because it wasn't.
    Except for maybe currently...
    Soap held me in his arms like a piece of glass as I rested there in the early morning. I stared at the ceiling, my throat tight as the memories of the night flooded to my head. Soap had initiated, while I had antagonized. Soap had continued it, while I went with the flow. Soap had made the night his, while drowning me in a pool of him and only him. 
    Turning my head, I gazed at his sleeping face. He wasn't so bad, never had been. Soap was the handsomest of handsome and the only thing that had truly flipped me around and inside out. I was a blank book for him, ready to be written page by page.
    I had completely opened up my heart to him, a sign that what we had was something unexpected. Now and always, I knew I'd belong to him. It was a know-when-you-know moment, staring at his resting features. 
    Pressing a kiss to his jaw, I wiggled out of his hold. I stood and found fresh clothes to change into, deciding my quick rinse off for a shower during the night would have to do. I pulled back my loose hair into a ponytail and felt the tenderness on my scalp from the night's adventures. 
    "You're up early." 
    I faced him with a smile. "There are things to do today." 
    "I can agree to that," he shifted to the edge of the bed, muscular self only covered at the waist with a sheet, and rubbed his face. 
    "I need to talk to Shepherd about last night," I swallowed and Soap clutched my wrist, bringing me down to straddle his thighs. 
    "You're questioning the next steps," he inferred accurately.
    "I'm not going to question."
    "You're already questioning."
     "Not physically," I chuckled, brushing back his hawk. "You'd know if that was the case." 
     "I'm interested in being physically questioned."
     "Oh," I leaned closer seductively. "You wouldn't like that too much. Don't think you could last long enough." 
     Soap clutched my chin with his right hand a little forcefully. "I can last quite a long time unlike you." 
     A ripple of bashfulness and anger invaded my stomach. I shoved him harshly, unable to avoid the laughter that came after. Soap genuinely laughed with me, the vibrations in his bare abdomen a fulfilling feeling. I hugged him tightly as he kissed my cheek. 
    "You asshole."
    Soap chuckled again and then pressed a firmer kiss to my lips. "Come on now." 
    I slid off his lap and fixed my uniform. "I'll see you around Captain." 
    "Don't call me that," he growled playfully. 
    "Captain Asshole," I mused, scurrying to the door. "Yes, that has a nice ring."
    He looked like he wanted to throw something at me. "Sam, I swear—"  
    I shut the door with a grin. 


Hello fellow readers! I hope your days have been treating you nicely. I just wanted to leave a little thank you for the amount of support on this book! It's gaining more reads than I thought it would rather quickly and I just want to say THANK YOU. 
Also, I want to acknowledge that today is Veteran's Day (in the United States). As my works are largely based on Call of Duty/military genres, I do have a lot of respect for veterans and current soldiers (thus the double update). Whether you're spending the day thinking about living or deceased veterans, take the day to appreciate all they do. 
Happy Veterans Day readers! <3

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