the Namikaze household

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"Where are we going to day gramps?" The little red headed four year old smiled bright, putting her hands behind her back.
"Today we are going somewhere special, but you will have to wait tell we get there" the old man said, walking infront of the little girl.
"Hehe ok" she kept smiling.
The little girl then got distracted by a flower.
"Why have you stopped?" Asked the old man as he turned around.
"Look, there's a butterfly on it" she pointed out, she put her finger next to the yellow  butterfly.
The butter fly flew up landing on her nose instead.
"Hehe its so pretty" she smiled brightly at the old man.
The smile that no one can resist.
The butterfly once again flew away, but leaving this time.
The old man looked at the girl and smiled back.
"We should start going again, were almost there" he started walking again.
"Ok" she followed behind.
They finally arrived at a 3 story house.
The old man grabbed out a key, and went up the stairs to the door.
"Who's house is this" the little girl asked curiously.
"This used to be your parents house, and now that your old enough, your going to live here" he answered.
"The house looks big, and living here by myself" she thought out loud.
"I'm sure its cozyer on the inside" the old man said, well turnning the key.
He open the door to a rather dusty, but nice looking house.
There was a small hallway leading into a dinning room and kitchen.
On the left corner there were staris leading upstairs.
"Hey, who were my parents" the young girl looked up at the old man curiously.
"Well your father was Minato Namikaze. Minato was the 4th hokage, and was named the yellow flash of the leaf" he replied.
"Wow, so if my dad was the hokage, does that mean he was the most powerful in the village" she smiled.
"Yes, and many people in the village, will probably expect you to follow in his foot steps" the old man took a seat at the dinning table.
The little girl followed him sitting across from him.
"But I don't know if I want to be hokage, that sounds hard" she said.
"You'll know when the time comes, and your to young to be thinking about that" he said.
"What about my mom?" She asked.
"Your mom was Kushina Namikaze, she was an anbu serving for the hokage" he replied.
"So my mom was also powerful" she said.
"Yes" the old man said well getting up.
He went to the window and opened the blinds.
"Why don't you go explore, I'll start cleaning down here"
"Ok" she got out of her seat and started upstairs.
Once she got upsairs there was a hallways with 3 doors.
She went in to the closest one.
Inside there was a crib, changing table, dresser, and a rocking chair.
She walked to the dresser and opened up a drawer to find it empty.
The hole dresser was empty.
There was nothing really left to look at so she made it on to the next room.
Right across the door she just went in was another door, so she went through that one.
It was another bedroom, but this time it had a balcony.
She walked forward towards the bed, and accidentally knocked in to a night stand.
Something fell off it and landed on the ground.
She knelt down and picked up a picture frame.
She flipped around making sure it wasnt broken.
Inside the frame was a picture of her parents.
She came to notice she looked like her mom, but had her dads bright blue eyes.
She smiled at the photo as a few tears slipped down her cheeks.
She got up and put the picture back, and quickly drying her tears.
She looked around and found a dresser.
She opened the bottom drawer and found a brown dress, shorts, and boots.
She took them out and held on to them.
She came out of the room and was about to show the old man, but noticed she hasn't gone to the 3rd door.
So she ran up to the door and opened it, finding out it was only a bathroom.
Then she got an idea and went in.
She took off her yellow dress and green shorts, and she put on the dress, shorts, and boots.
She climbed on the toilet and looked at her self in the mirror.
The shorts were being held up by a hair tie, and the dress was almost down to her feet.
She jumped off the toilet and waddle downstairs, trying to not let her boots slip off.
"Look what I found gramps" she smiled as she got downstairs.
He looked over from cleaning the kitchen.
"That used to be your mothers when she was about 12" he chuckled. "Its still to big for you, why don't you save it for when your older?" He said.
"Ok" she smiled, a slight blush covering her cheeks.
She went back upstairs and got dressed again, and put back her mothers close.
She came back down stairs.
"I'm done exploring" she said sitting at the now clean dining table.
"There's still a down stairs and a tower, why don't you go find those" he said.
"What are you doing to do" she said back.
"I'm going to make your parents room into your room" he responded.
"Thank you" she said hugging him.
Then she quickly ran outside.
She ran down the stairs and found a door leading to the down stairs.
She opened it up and saw a matt, 3 targets, 3 dummies, and 5 boxes.
She went over to the boxes.
The first one had kunai.
The second one had shruiken.
The third had bigger shruiken.
The fourth had some different kunai with a weird seal on them.
She picked one up and placed it beside her.
The fifth one had scrolls in them.
She picked one up and opened it.
"The flying thunder god jutsu" she read outloud.
She stood up a smile spread on her face.
"I wanna learn this" she thought out loud.
She picked up the special kunai and walked out.
She looked at the tower and decided to go there first.
She walked up the stairs, and opened the door.
There was a desk and many many books.
It was like a library, but the little girl thought it was much cooler.
She walked over to the desk and saw a chair.
She found folded on the chair a cape, with fire on the bottom.
She noticed some writing on the back, so she grabbed and spread out on the floor.
"The fourth hokage" she read outloud.
She smiled and folded it back up.
Then she went back to the house.
The little girl opened the door to the house.
"Hey gramps! Look what I found" she smiled excitedly.
"Now what did you find" he said coming back from downstairs.
"A scroll, it said flying thunder god jutsu, and this weird kunai" she said holding them out.
"The flying thunder god jutsu, used to be your dads jutsu, and he would use the kunai to teleport places using the seal on it" he explained.
"Can I learn it, can I" she jumped around.
"Maybe when you start the academy" he said.
The sun was beginning to set outside.
"I better be on my way, here are the keys, and I'll be coming once a month to give you money" he said.
"Ok, bye gramps" she smiled, waving goodbye.
The old man grabbed his red and white hat, that read fire on it.
"Goodbye Yumi" he said walking out the door, to the setting sun.
Yumi's smile fadded as she now realized she was alone.
Yumi walked upstairs into her parents bedroom.
The bed now had a yellow blanket and white pillows.
There where some plants and the dresser was now empty, except for her mothers outfit.
She jumped on her bed and looked up to the ceiling.
"Goodnight Yumi I love you" she said to her self.
She drifted off to sleep.

OwO im writing this because I'm bored so ik its bad

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