twelve | Wedding

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Victoria woke up the next morning before Happy, and she laid beside him for a long time without moving a muscle, wanting to freeze this moment. For a second she thought she might be dreaming, that the day before hadn't happened and he was still locked in a cell at Stockton State. But she felt the weight of the hangover, the ache between her legs, and she smiled because it was real. He was home.

Without waking him, she slipped from the bed and headed out into the kitchen, grabbing her robe on the way by. She glanced at the stove for the time and saw that it was just after seven. Jac would be in Charming in just a few hours. They still had to talk about Brandy potentially being the one to fill Cameron in on everything going on here, and after everything Happy said the night before, she was dreading it.

She pressed a few buttons on the coffee maker and leaned against the counter to wait, but the sound of footsteps coming down the hall pulled her attention from her thoughts. Happy came around the corner fully dressed except for his cut and boots.

"Morning," he said, slipping a hand onto her waist and kissing her lips.

"Good morning." She took in his attire. "Are you on your way out already?"

He nodded. "Clay's got plans before the wedding."

Victoria tried not to let the way that made her feel show on her face. She got the sinking feeling that she'd always have to share Happy with Clay, and that was a threesome she could do without.

"Have coffee at least," she said, and turned to pull out two mugs from the cabinet behind them. Her plan was to make them breakfast, but that wasn't going to happen.

While they waited for the pot to finish brewing, Happy went to the door and grabbed his boots, and once those were on he took his cut from the place he'd left in the night before. "You want me to pick you up before the wedding?"

Victoria considered saying yes as she poured two mugs full of coffee, but she shook her head instead. "I'll be in a dress, and I've got the presents to bring. I'll ride with Gemma and Tara and meet you there."

She handed him the coffee and he took a deep drink, not even waiting for it to cool. "What'd you get them?" he asked.

"A stainless steel pot and pan set. It was on her registry. I put both of our name's on it since I didn't think you'd have time to shop." Happy chuckled, and drained the rest of the coffee before Victoria had even tried hers. "What's so funny?"

He put his dish in the sink and came back over to wrap his arms around her waist again. "This is all very domestic," he said, turning serious, taking in every inch of her face. She felt like she was under a microscope, but it didn't bother her so much because it was him. "I like it."

She leaned up on her toes and kissed his lips. "Good."

Not long after, Happy was out the door and Victoria started getting ready for Jac's arrival.

By the time Gemma pulled the SUV into the reservation, the lot was nearly full up with motorcycles. She parked a little ways out, requiring a bit of a walk, but Gemma, Victoria, Tara, and Jac gathered up the presents from the back and made their way up the drive.

There wasn't much time to talk to Jac before Gemma pulled in the driveway to pick them up, so the topic of Brandy was still on the back burner for now, and that out Victoria at ease. Today was about Lyla and Opie. She could worry about the crow eater tomorrow.

They were halfway up the drive when they heard voices behind them, and a familiar one calling out for Tara. Victoria turned to see Jackson, Tig, and Happy not far behind looking freshly showered and shaved and put together. She liked Jackson's new shorter hair. It suited him better, made him appear more mature than he had when she first met him. He still oozed the same boyish charm, but he'd evolved over the last fourteen months into someone who looked fit to run a club someday.

Since I've Been Lovin' You | Happy Lowman/OC (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now