Zhu Yu Xiao's Pain

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Yu Xiao tossed and turned on the ground. Her palms dug into her abdominal and her screams radiated throughout the yard. The pain was horrible. She wanted to lose consciousness, but the pain would not allow her to. She felt sweat drench her forehead and her usually composed and proper expression twisted ugly.

With each passing minute, Yu Xiao felt the pain worsen. Twisting and turning more and more, Yu Xiao's neatly done make-up ran down her face, leaving behind unpleasant streaks of black and red. Her beautiful silky red wedding gown was twisted and wrinkly, her face veil had fallen off, and her beautifully done hair had fallen, causing strands of hair to scatter across her ashen face. Anyone who saw her current appearance would never be able to guess that she was the beautiful Eldest Miss of the Zhu family and the 13th ranked girl on the Shensheng Di Mei Rankings.

Minister Zhu scowled his brows and pursed his lips. He could not be sure what exactly happened, but seeing the looks of disdain glinting in the eyes of the guests present growing more and more apparent, he knew Yu Xiao needed to be removed from their eyes.

Minister Zhu eyed Madame Gong. He signaled for her to remove Yu Xiao, but she was too busy flustering over Yu Xiao to notice his signal. Seeing this, the muscles around Minister Zhu's eyes tightened and his brow twitched with aggravation.

"Get a doctor here. Furu Mama. Ling Mama. Help the Eldest Miss up!" Minister Zhu commanded in a clipped tone. With Yu Xiao twisting and screaming like a slaughter pig, he saw that her appearance was just getting worse and more improper, she needed to be moved as soon as possible.

Like the Zhu Manor people, all the guests were stunned when Yu Xiao had abruptly cried out in pain and fell. Out of all the weddings that they have attended, never once had something like this ever happened before. So it stunned them, but once their shock was over, they all eagerly peered over one another to get a better look, because even though they had all appeared to be happy for Yu Xiao, who among all the guests present does not wish that it was their daughter who was marrying into the Right Prime Minister's household. As such, seeing that Yu Xiao was meeting such a fate, they were all eager to watch the show unfold.

Obeying Minister Zhu's order, the two Mamas hastily walked to Yu Xiao and bent down to help her up, but just as the Mamas moved Yu Xiao a tiny bit up, Yu Xiao released a scream 10 times louder than before.

The Mamas were shocked and panicked at the sudden scream. They both quickly released Yu Xiao and Yu Xiao quickly fell back into her previous fetal position.

Seeing this, Madame Gong harshly pushed the two Mamas away and quickly hugged herself around Yu Xiao again.

"Yu'er. Yu'er. Are you okay? Yu'er." Madame Gong repeatedly called out to Yu Xiao.

Minister Zhu's eyes darken even more. Looking at Madame Gong's rattled and unseemly expression, his jaw taut.

"Ling Mama, bring Mad-" Before Minster Zhu could finish his order, from the direction of the front doors, a tall and handsome man in luxury red wedding clothes briskly walked towards the crowd.

"What is going on here?!" The young man shouted with a frown on his face.

Hearing the familiar voice, Yu Xiao painfully rolled her eyes towards the voice, and upon seeing the familiar handsome young man, more tears welled in Yu Xiao's eyes.

"Young Mas- Ahhh!!!" Yu Xiao tried reaching and calling out to Li Wei, but because the pain had abruptly hit again hard, her hand quickly fell back on her stomach and her call was replaced with a loud scream.

Hearing Yu Xiao scream piercingly again, Madame Gong was too busy crying and calling out to Yu Xiao that she did not care to pay any attention to the confuse, disgusted, and irritated look on Li Wei's face.

It was Minister Zhu, who noticed it and quickly approached Li Wei to try and pacify the situation. After all, it was the Zhu family who greatly wanted the marriage. If Li Wei happened to say that he no longer wanted to wed Yu Xiao now because of this situation, then it will be a great loss to the Zhu family.

"Eldest Young Master Li, my daughter is just experiencing a little discomfort. We have sent for a doctor already; they should be here soon. Everything will be okay." Minister Zhu spoke in a very polite tone and reassure Li Wei that everything was going to be okay.

Li Wei looked at Minister Zhu flatly.

He had been waiting by the bridal carriage for Yu Xiao to complete the last ritual and step out. He had only learned of Yu Xiao's situation when a Li family maid ran to inform him. If she did not, then he would still probably continue to wait by the bridal sedan and make a fool of himself in front of all the guest and onlookers. So now, seeing Madame Gong completely ignoring his existence and hearing Minister Zhu say that everything will be okay when it was obvious to the eye that it was not. Li Wei felt like he was being treated like a fool.

"Hmph. Okay?! Does this look okay to Minister Zhu?" Li Wei said aggressively. His brows were furrowed tight and his eyes shone with disdained when they landed on Yu Xiao's disheveled and improper appearance.

Now, Minister Zhu's title was much lower than Right Prime Minister Li and he does want to make this wedding work – that's why he treated Li Wei extra well, but how could he, a grown man, stand a little boy scold and disrespect him in front of so many official families.

Minister Zhu pursed his lips and straightened his back. While emitting his full official and imposing force, he narrowed his eyes coldly. "Li Wei, your worry for my daughter is understandable. Which groom in his right mind would not worry for their bride in this situation. However, I assure you, a doctor has been sent and will be arriving. My Manor will handle this situation well. I asked that Young Master Li please wait in the guest room. ..Furu Mama, help arrange a space for all the guests and Young Master Li. Ling Mama, bring the Eldest Miss into a room, now!" Minister Zhu commented with force.

With Li Wei being the Official son of Right Prime Minister Li, he had always been pampered by everyone and was used to getting things his way. Aside from the Imperial family and first ranked families, he did not really need to mind his respect with others. It was often them who needed to respect him. So, experiencing Minister Zhu's imposing manner and harsh words, Li Wei felt annoyed and his eyes shone with resentment. He wanted to retort back, but before he could, his personal servant lightly tapped his arm and shook his head while pointing his eyes to all the staring officials in the area.

Following the servant's stare, a corner of Li Wei's upper lip curled up just slightly and his eyes reflected his annoyance. He knew now that if he were to rebuke Minster Zhu here, these officials will definitely gossip about how disrespectful he was towards his elders/future Father in law, and thus ruin his reputation. Since a good reputation was essential to climb in court, Li Wei suppressed down his irritation and kept his mouth shut, but his eyes still showed his extremely un-satisfaction with the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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