Who are you?

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No one's point of view
It was a normal day all of class 1-A was talking and Izuku had just walked into class. Ururaka was the first one to talk to Izuku as she was the closest to Izuku. After a few minutes of talking Mr Aizawa had walked into class.

Izukus point of view
'Why do I feel like someone is watching me...' Izuku was listening to the lesson when suddenly CRASH. The windows had shattered and a few villains had walked in. One had hands all over his body another seemed to be made of some sort of black and purple mist while the last one was tall and had purple skin that seemed to be stapled on.

"We are here for a boy of the name Izuku Midoria" the one named Shigiraki had said.

"I won't let you have him!" Mr Aizawa had shouted as he got into a fighting stance

"Oh but it wasn't a request" the hand covered man said as a mist opened up behind Izuku

"WOAH" Izuku had fallen into the warp and the villains followed

"MR AIZAWA WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO THEY GOT IZUKU" Ururaka screamed tears streaming down her face

"I... I don't know" Mr Aizawa replied

AT the villain HQ
"Yes we got him!" Shigiraki exclaimed. "Well done Shigiraki I knew I could count on you" suddenly a man had stepped out of the shadows he was small and skinny he had blond hair almost in the shape of all mi- IT WAS ALL MIGHT!

"W-what are you doing here All Might!" Izuku asked struggling under the metal cuffs that kept him tied down to a metal bed.

"Oh young one I'm a villain in fact... I'm the leader of this small group" the skeletal All might that goes by the name Toshi had a sickening grin going from ear to ear... "now... I can experiment" he explained his grin somehow getting bigger.

"W-what do you mean experiment!?" Izuku asked trying to use his quirk but with no luck.

"Don't even bother I took away the quirk so now your back to being a useless Deku"

These words stung Izuku as he was ridiculed his whole life for being quirkless and now... he was quirkless once again.

" now... your going to join me in being a villain and if you refuse... well let's just say I've been dieing to experiment on an actual human... a quirkless one at that"

"I will NEVER join you!"

"Well... I guess we will have to do this the hard way" Toshi was grinning as he walked over to a table covered in a cloth.

"H-hard way?" Izuku stuttered out

Toshi walked over to the table and pulled of the cloth revealing lots of tools as he picked up a needle filled with a green substance

"Lets see what this does shall we?" Toshi asked grinning.

Izuku eyes widened in fear as Toshi made his way back with the needle "NO NO NO NO! STOP IT I DON'T WANT IT!" Izuku screamed to no avail

"Did I ask wether you want it or not!?" Toshi injected the needle into Izukus arm


"I wonder what this does maybe it will give you a quirk! If it does don't even try using it these are quirk restraining cuffs now I'm gonna go and let this work bye" he had left Izuku with the chemical in his body to alter it.

"AAAAAA IT HURTS STOP IT STOP IT stop... it...please" Izuku had stoped screaming as the liquid was done

"Well I wasn't expecting this! This is a whole new level... these are ordered weakest to strongest to I wonder what these ones do" Toshi picked up a light yellow one and walked over to Izuku

"Wait what did you do to me!" Izuku asked before Toshi could inject the yellow needle into him

"Oh you don't know? Well take a look for yourself" Toshi held up a mirror for Izuku to see he had cat ears and a tail!

Toshi injected the second liquid into Izuku and he screamed in pain.


"After this one is done I will let you sleep seeing as how I can only use two a day" Toshi smirked as he left the room.


Back at UA
"it seems like Toshi has joined the league of villains and has captured Izuku however no one knows why" explains Aizawa as all staff looked at him completely shocked. "Why would he do that to his successor?" Mt. Lady asked in shock, "we don't know however we do know that Toshi has been planing this for some time..." Aizawa then stood up and left the room.

League of villains:
"AHHHHHH STOP IT HURTS SO BAD STOP!" Izuku was in tears as the yellow liquid was taking over his body when suddenly the pain stopped "..." Toshi walked in cause the screening had stopped but there where no physical changes so he took a test to see if he gained a quirk "that's strange nothing has hap-" Toshi stopped and looked at the young one and smirked evily "I see it dousnt hurt because your now used to pain well I guess that means we will have to wait a bit longer"

Okay that's the end of that it took DAYS to make so give me suggestions on what should happen next oh and btw this is inspired by an rp me and http-dadmight did on his All mights Instagram go check it out it makes my day ^-^

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