why are you doing this to me

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Warning this chapter contains swearing

"Hey now" It was the next day and Toshi had walked in to see that Izuku had HORNS!? "what in the world?" Even Toshi was confused (can you blame him rlly ;3;) Toshi held up a mirror for Izuku to see that he had horns "is anything else going to happen" Izuku asked. "Honetly I don't know but let's see what this one does" Toshi had stabbed a needle into Izuku that had an orange liquid in it yet Izuku didn't even flinch "what's that one support to do" Izuku said looking at the ceiling "well this one should give you a quirk but who knows" "then why the hell are you doing This?" "For resurch purposes and no i could not ask a scientist because experimenting is simply more fun" Toshi had a sickening grin and left the room for a lonely Izuku yo wait for this to alter his body (it's not like you can try and see if you can brake the cuffs •♡•) "welp i guess this is my life now like it's not as if people care about me." Suddenly there was a crash followed by screaming and a panicked Toshi came running into the room and injected every needle into Izuku causing him to cry out in pain (remember there ordered weakest to strongest) "AAAAAAAHHH STOP IT!" Mr Aizawa ran into the room and picked Izuku up or of the metal bed and swung out the door to school

*le time skip brought to you bye Author-sensei*

"Where am I?" Izuku had just woken up and looked around to see all of his classmates huddled around him "ever heard about personal fucking space?" Izuku snapped to be rewarded with gasps from everyone in the room "Izuku when did you swear?" Asked Ururaka "since forever but all you dumbasses where to stupid and deaf to hear me" "Hey what happened to you man this is so not manly" (can obviously tell who this is) "oh I don't know maybe I got kidnapped and used for tests?" The whole room had suddenly gotten a lot darker and the lights where flickering and suddenly Izukus cat ears had popped up from beside his head "OMG LOOK HE HAS CAT EARS!" the pink ailen had exclaimed. Every girl in the room where crowding him and asking him questions when they asked "can we feel your ears?!" "*sigh* one person and because I'm tired all of you can decide together" there was whispering and arguing when suddenly they all turned around "we've decided that Todoroki is the one to feel your ears and tail!" Todoroki slowly stepped up and whispered a "sorry" to Izuku to have a reply if "hurry up".

Todoroki stroked Dekus ears causing him to flinch. "O-okay stop now" Deku was purring and basicly every girl squeezed and shouted "STROKE HIS TAIL!" Todoroki was hesitant but Izuku whispered something in his ear "can you wait and feel it in our dorm or something" Todoroki just nodded and left

Warning- smut???
In their dorm
"Okay Todoroki you can feel my tail now or whatever" Todoroki leaned in and softly stroked his tail to hear a purr coming from him so he stroked it slightly harder "Nya!" Izuku covered his mouth and blushes a deep crimson red "did you just moan?" Todoroki asked a slight smirk on his face "not answering ay? Well I guess I will have to find out myself" Todoroki stroked Dekus tail really hard causing Deku to moan "A-ahhh~ T-Todoroki st-stop" Todoroki pulled his hand away quickly but ended up pulling Dekus tail causing him to moan even more "A-AHHHH~ TODOROKI~" Dekus words where filled with complete lust as he crawled across the bed pinning Todoroki down "Izuku w-w-what are you doing?!" Izuku licked Todoroki ear causing him to moan "A-ahhhh~" Izuku smirked as he pulled Todorokies shirt off and sucked on his neck "Izuku hng!" Izuku smirked as he found his sweet spot and continued to suck and bite it "A-Ahhhhh~ m-more~" Todoroki suddenly snapped out of it and flipped Izuku so he was above him but Izuku was hitting and kicking so Todoroki ended up holding both of Izuku hands above his head with one arm and kept his other hand on Izuku hips "you wanna top ay?" Izuku smirked as Todoroki realised the position they where in and blushes madly "I know you want me~" Todoroki when to speak however Izuku kissed him before he had the chance Izuku eyes had turned purple as had Todoroki "yes I do~" 'hold up I didn't say that!' Todoroki thought then he realised that Izuku was controlling him Todoroki had started to strip both of them until they where down to their boxers and that's when Todoroki snapped out of it "NO I DON'T!" Shoto got up (much to Dekus disapointment) and got changed then ran out the door

Thanks for reading yea I was plbored so I made another one sorry it's not long but I have no ideas so I'm just writing the first thing that pops into my mind cya~

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