Deku wtf!

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Warning this chapter contains swearing,cutting if this affects you please skip I shall explain next chapter what happened

"Oh come on~ I know you love me" Izukus words where filled with complete lust when suddenly it hit him "Izuku I think your in heat" Todoroki was still blushing madly as the words quickly spilled from his mouth "well I guess you will have to help me Shoto~" "I will help but not in that way I'm going to ask recovery girl for some tablets" Izuku quickly shot up causing Todoroki to be startled "NO! I DON'T WANT ANYTHING! GET OUT!" Izuku no longer had heat so Todoroki thought it was something else "o-okay Deku I'm leaving" Todoroki had left the room leaving a crying Izuku alone in his room.
*triggering scene*

Izuku stopped crying and had no spark in his eyes... he was emotionless. He got up and made his way to the bathroom and looked under the sink to find a blade "I tried avoiding you for so long my friend" Izuku said with a smile "but I guess we were destined to meet again" Izuku pulled up his sleeve to show old scars and as he ran threw his arm blood started to drip out. "This is what I dserve... for being such a useless Deku... maybe i should follow kac- ... katsukies advise and take a swan dive of a roof"

A couple days later (Izuku isn't dead also what happened was basicly a cutting scene and he said he should follow Katsukie advise and die :/)

"Hey Deku Todoroki told me how you tried to rape him! Your such a fagg!" (Btw sorry for the offensive language but people have been throwing homophobic remarks at me so I'm sorry) "N-no kachaan it's n-n-not like that!" Izuku just barely stuttered out "yea? Then what happened!" Katsukie was laughing his ass off while Izuku was stood there tears filling his eyes. "Awww is the pretty kitty gonna cry" Bakugou said in a mocking voice "you know Katsukie... maybe you were right..." Izuku said listening to all the gasps of him using his real name "what you talking about nerd?" "M-maybe I should take a swan dive of the roof" bakugoues eyes widened as he remembered the awful remark he told Izuku "W-what are you talking about shitty nerd! I never said anything like that" Izuku looked at him in disbelief " 'you know Deku there is a way for you to get a quirk... take a swan dive off the roof and pray you get one in your next useless life!' " Izuku copied what Bakugou said all those years ago...word.for.word.

Izuku ran out the room as everyone stood there and watched at what just took place "BAKUBRO! DID YOU ACTUALLY SAY THAT?!" Kirishima yelled "I-I..." Bakugou was stood there looking down at the ground then everyone noticed something that was ment to only be a legend... Bakugou was crying! "B-Bakubro w-what happened why are you c-c-crying" Kirishima asked "BECUASE I'M SO FUCKING USELESS! I FUCKING TOLD SOMEONE TO KILL THERESELF!" "Bakugou that was a long time ago... It's still wrong but a lot has changed from then... don't beat yourself up" "... Did anyone else notice something different about Izuku?" Denki chirped in "now that you mention it his voice seemed a lot different a bit like Aizawa-senseis but higher..." "the fuck you talking about pickachu and raccoon eyes!" Bakugou asked his voice still shaking "we need to inform Aizawa that Deku might have ran away" Iida said "NO! I KNOW WHERE HE IS!" Bakugou shouted running out the door.

With Izuku:
"Remember this place?" Deku asked no one in particular. "This is the place where you fell in the river... a-and I tried to help you" suddenly there was a rustle in the bushes "w-who's there!?" Just as he finished his sentence the world became black...

A couple hours later:
"Good job" "what do you even need from the boy?" "Hey he looks kinda cute!" "Can you all shut up I'm tired!" "HAH THIS IS GOOD WE CAUGHT HIM! this is bad we caught him!" Lots if different voices filled his head when he opened his eyes he was back in the bar... "LET ME GO! YOU ALREADY TESTED ON ME!" every eye was suddenly on Izuku as he struggled in the seat "Hey shut u-" a man with purple burnt skin that seemed to be stapled on turned around then green eyes met with beautiful blue "*sigh* I'm Dabi your in our hide out... again but we aren't gonna hurt you" "h-how can I trust you!" He asked obviously panicked "because... you have something that we want" Izuku looked at him interested in what the tall male had to say "you have many quirks, your super powerful and not to mention pretty cute" Izuku was at a loss of words as he stared at him blushing mad "he seems so cool! He seems pretty boring" a guy with a black and white mask said "oi deadpool suit why are you speaking like that?" Izuku asked earning a few chuckles "hi I'm twice nice to meet you! Terrible to meet you... why I speak like this is none of your business" Izuku smirked as he sat up "how do you feel about UA?" Izuku waited for an answer "hate it! LOVE IT!" The tall male made a thumbs down followed by a heart shape with his hands.

Sorry for not posting but I have been busy shit like that and yea... I'm also out of ideas so that's a thing night night you beautiful bitches! Bai~

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