Chapter 3

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6 years ago- the first time he hit her

Paul had been invited  to a dinner party with the rest of  his residency class. They had all passed their boards and Paul was so exited to bring Brooke as his plus one. After all the rest of his friends have never seen her because she was always busy with med school. 

But tonight they could finally let loose. Paul was wearing nice pants and a button up shirt. Brooke was wearing a tight, black cocktail dress.

When they arrived Paul introduced  Brooke to all his friends. Paul went off  to talk to his best  friend of the residency program, Noah. there weren't many other women there so Brooke talked to a lot of the guys there. They laughed and drank wine, and over all had a good time.

Paul did NOT like this. In his mind Brooke was whoring around with his friends and wasn't being grateful of the man she already had. "This will not stand" he thought

When Brooke and Paul got home, Brooke smiled and said, "That was fun, your friends are very ni-"

That's as far as she got before she felt a hand over face. She was shocked to say the least. 

"Hey stop I-" he slapped her again.

"NO" he yelled, "You do not get to act like whore in front of people that respect me then act like it never happend!"

"Paul calm down I wasn't trying to act like a whore I was jus-" that's as far as Brooke got before he punched her in the face. Then her stomach, and one more on her ribs.

She stumbled back, but he caught her by her hair, "You never do that again are we understood?" He demanded more than asked.

"Yes" she let out with a cry.

"Good  now go take a shower you stink" he said throwing her on the ground.

Present day   

Jo was lost in her thoughts at the nurses station when she heard her name being called,

"Jo, Jo, Earth to JOOOO!" it was Amelia.

"Oh sorry Dr. Shepard" she replied

"It's fine did you get the labs for Daniel Collens?" Amelia asked. "Yes here they are." Jo said handing them to Amelia."

"Thanks Wilson" she said looking down at the scans, "Shoot her anyerism ruptured, lets get her to surgery before she hemorrhages."

"I'll book the OR Dr. Shepard." she replied,

"Thanks Wilson" She said waling away to scrub in.

Amelias POV

I don't know what it is about her today but Wilson seems very unfocused and distracted.

Of course not while we where in surgery but at the nurses station, the scrub room before and now, right after surgery. I know all the stuff that happend with her and Alex, but I'm pretty sure that she had control on that.

Or at least I thought she did.

"Wilson are you okay?" I ask. She looks up at me her eyes sad and uncertain at the same time. I can tell she wants to cry, because I have had the same look on my face many times before. She probably doesn't want to cry in front of her boss though so she holds it in.

"How do you know if you made the right choice telling someone the truth?" she asked desperately. 

"Well it depends on if they need to know and how big the thing is." I answer, I'm pretty sure this is about Alex, I also know that Alex would do something stupid for Jo. He has in the past.

"I think he needed to know this." she answered. "Then you probably made the right choice I reply." I squeeze her shoulder then walk out.

Yup definitely about Alex.

Merideth's POV

I'm scrubbing in for my next surgery, my intern Hannah says it's a  splenic laceration. "I can do that easy" I think to myself

Just as I was thinking of the operation Alex comes in and asks if I have a second.

"No but you can scrub in, I promise not to tell Bailey." I say smirking 

"No" he says. Ugh hopefully he still isn't continuing with his this is my last day crap.

"Well your not gonna start with the end of the world crap again are you?"

"Jo's married." he says. My first thought is what the heck Alex that's not even funny.

But then I see his face

Ya not a joke

"Wait what?" I reply hoping for more of an explanation. "She's married and she's freaking out that she has to take the stand tomorrow and testify and put herself on the line." He tells me.

Ok I get that he wants to protect Jo but I know the only way he thinks that he can do that is taking the plea and that's what he's probably thinking!

"Herself on the line? This is your trial, your life is on the line!" I snap back

"She's scared Mer!" He replies. Oh God don't be thinking about the plea Alex, Please.

"What are you even saying right now?" I ask. "I just need to figure out what to do." He says.

Well at least he's not certain about taking the plea...yet.

"Figure what out? your not even making any scene right now." I reply angry yet calm. 

"You don't know the whole story." he stammers still defending Jo.

Hannah comes out, damn that means it's time for me to go.

"Dr. grey her BP is 90 over 40."

UGGHHH not now please god right now I can't  let Alex leave I just know what he'll do.

"Hang two Units, I'll be right there." I say in a desperate attempt in more time with Alex. 

"You should go." he tells me. "I-" I just can't go yet I don't know what I'll do without Alex.

"Dr. grey." Hannah says urging me to come. "Yes, I'm coming" turning to Alex I say, "We're not done, when the surgery's over I'm going to page you and you're gonna tell me the rest of the story." I say firmly.

"Go." he says, "Come back!" I yell and head into the scrub room. And hope Alex isn't gonna take the plea.

After my surgery (witch was a success) Alex comes in the scrub room. Thank God.

"Ok you have five minutes, go." I tell him.

"I'm taking the plea" he says like he's already made up his mind. No I won't let him do this. I try to convince him but he's not budging. "Kiss the kids for me?" he says then he walks out.

That son of a bitch knows that I can't chase After him.

Damn it

*Authors note*  The next few chapter will move faster I promise!😫😫

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