Untitled Part 6

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Years ago

Brooke was driving to school glad that Paul had work or else he would insist on taking her. She couldn't deal with him after the fight last night.

He had left big bruises on her arms were he gripped her so tightly. she wore a sweatshirt with a T-shirt to cover it up.

Like usual.

She walked up the grand staircase and headed to her class that focuses on the cardiothoracic system. Brooke had a few good friends at school. She sometimes went out with them whenever Paul let her. In her first few years of college, she went crazy at parties every night after she had finished her homework of course.

Her best friend Madison had used to party with her like crazy too. She had settled down like Brooke.

But not against her will.

Madison lives in an apartment with her boyfriend of 5 months and works hard in school.

She and Brooke were in the same class so they always sat next to each other. 

Brook found madison already sitting so she plopped down next to her.


"Hey, Brooke how was your winter break?"

"Good you?"

"Pretty good we need to hang out son!" MAdison tells Brooke.

"Ya totally, Oh I think class is starting," Brooke replies

They were taking notes about the superior vena cava when Brooke got hot so without thinking she took off her sweatshirt.

Madison saw some of the bruises and said in a loud whisper "Brooke what happened? Where did you get these?!"

Brooke kept a poker face while realizing what she had done.

"Oh, that haha funny story I was trying to put up all the decorations from Christmas when the whole bin fell on me," she said with a little smile and chuckle.

Madison said with a chuckle "Brooke you need to be more careful."

"I know, I know" Brooke replied.

"Are you sure your ok?"


I'm ok"

Present time

Jo's POV

I don't exactly know wat I'm doing at Alex's doorstep,

I just had to make sure he was really there,

that he was ok.

I knock and hear somebody coming downstairs, then see a lock turn,

The door opens and I'm faced with Alex,

Thank god,

 he's ok

we don't say anything, I mean what is there to say.

After a few seconds, I hug him.

I miss being in his arms,

I miss him.

after a few seconds, I pull away.

The moment ended as quickly as it started.

Alex's POV

I work at the hospital once again as a Pediatric surgeon finally.

It's been a few weeks since Jo showed up on my front porch and I haven't had her on my service since the case with the abusive husband.

That case was particularly hard because I knew what Jo had gone through and what she was probably thinking of.

I know now that she doesn't need me,

she didn't need me for that case and she probably doesn't need or want me now.

But I so desperately want her back in my life.

And even if I can't be in a relationship with her anymore I still want her to be safe,

I need her to be safe.

SO that's why I hired someone to find her husband a few weeks ago.

Just as I was thinking of this I get a call from the person I hired to find Jo's husband,

I pick up "Hello Dr. Karev"

"Ah yes. Karev it's agent Williams here we found who you're looking for."

"Great." I say excited yet dignified, "What's his name?"

"His name is Paul Stadler and he has a press conference in a little less than a week." Agent Williams says, "I put the file with all his information in your mailbox earlier so make sure to read it."

"Sure thing thanks!" I say as I hang up.

This was it, I found him.

But should I go find him, or let it be?

Well, I have a week to figure that out. 

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