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 4 Years Ago .


Gauri Singhania  walked as her feet led her ,and as she climbed the long stair case she knew the disaster her actions would leave in its wake , she tend to believe the slice to her wrist two days ago had been accidental on her part but her parents refused to feel that way .              

48 hours they hovered over  in the hospital room waiting for her to make the same mistake again , she didn't want to live but she was too much of a coward to choose death . As yet another nightmare woke her up ,she found her mom asleep by her side and she felt too suffocated to stay in the room any longer as she made her way out of the room and walked towards the stair case in need of air .                     

She knew if her mom woke up before she returned then she would never even sleep because they won't believe her claim for fresh air ,every object around her for the last 48 hours were deemed hazardous even the phone in her hand were snatched away as it may lead her to search for ways to die .                  

The moment she stepped on to the terrace ,she felt free and as she walked towards the edge of the rail . She felt a flicker of fear at the prospect of falling from such a tall building , most likely it would be a instant death because she shuddered to think of her suffering for days before death .              

Then she shook herself for thinking along the lines ,she wasn't going to die not when it would leave her dad with guilt ,not when it could leave her mom broken and not when it could destroy the innocence of her brother by the knowledge of her death and not when it could break his heart .

Just for a breath of fresh air ,she chastised herself and her eyes looked down the rail once again . She knew she was lying to herself that her actions weren't suicidal but admitting them even to herself was something she wasn't ready to face yet .             

Then she noticed she wasn't alone and fear suppressed her as she let out a scream of terror . Because he was standing on the thin rail himself as he swayed too and fro ,she realized he was drunk . And when he turned towards her ,she began to run heedless of the way . She was terrified now and when she accidentally stumbled upon a potted plant and found herself fall ,she wished for quick death instead of unconsciousness because she knew from experience when you faint everything falls apart . 


Arnav Khanna  was going home for a short leave  ,two years since he walked away from her . He neither called her or wrote her a letter . All he knew about her where from his cousin and sister who kept him informed about her ,they still hoped there would come a day when they get back together .                         

But two month ago , she got a call from his sister who told him . Gauri had moved on from him ,he remembered asking her to not wait for him . Yet that day the thought of losing her forever made him realize ,he didn't have it in him to stand aside and watch her marry someone .                     

He loved her ,and he only hoped she would forgive him for walking away from her ,as he stepped inside his house . No one came out with a cheer to greet him ,he did sent them the news about his arrival . He expected to see his whole family gathered around to welcome him back ,a small part of him hoped to see her as well but no one was waiting for him outside the door  or came out when they heard the sound of taxi and once he stepped inside ,he came face to face with his family but no one was smiling at him .                   

Everyone turned to look at him with what he could only conclude as pity ,he didn't understand their expression as he took in his family who showed no amount of happiness to see him .              

" You tell him about the traitor after all she was your friend ,you brought her  into our life " he heard her sister lash at his cousin and noticed the flicker of hurt in his cousin face at her words .          

" Calm down daughter ,now is not the time " his father voice addressed his sister and Arnav yet again found himself wondering what could possibly induce such a life altering silence in his family until his mom burst into tears .          

" She got married Son ..I don't know how they could keep it from us , oh my poor son " his mom tears ran freely as his dad rushed to console his wife and only then he understood the implication of the said words as he starred at the solemn face of his family .              

Only one thought ran into his mind at the moment ,he had lost her forever . She married someone else ,he couldn't even imagine thinking she no longer belonged to his heart ,he couldn't come to terms with the truth she moved on from him and yet he stayed silent unwilling to scream at the injustice of all he lost because he let her walk away from him .          

 " When .." he found himself asking his cousin as she turned to greet him .         

 " Two days ago bhai , I thought she was on a trip with her family , I didn't know she went to the groom hometown to get married . I didn't see her bhai ,she moved out of town . Only her family " his cousin answered back ,yet he couldn't understand how it was possible , his cousin was her best friend and he didn't understand why she would marry without telling anyone .           

Thousand questions haunted him ,but the answers no longer mattered because in the end he lost her forever .

P.S :" That it for now ..Let me know your thoughts and Feedbacks. Hit the votes if you liked it "

Disclaimer :" All characters are fictional and are product of my imagination , any resemblance is purely coincidental"

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