Chapter 2:" Safe in his Embrace "

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Arnav Khanna walked inside the house and found her seated in the couch, even from far he knew she had been crying as her body silent shook as the sobs wrecked her ,six years and still her tears were more like a dagger to his heart . He didn't want to startle her, at the same time didn't know how to let her know of his arrival . And in that moment she looked up and saw him .

He walked closer to her and noticed she got up from the coach the moment she spotted him , the tears were still streaming down her cheeks . The Gauri  he knew from six years ago would never let anyone see her cry except those closest to her and he didn't know if she changed or a small part of her Still trusted him .

As he stepped closer to her ,she began to cry harder than before, he wanted to console her but couldn't find the words to speak up and when she stepped into his arm, he held her as she broke down . Six years and still she felt familiar in his arms, and he knew she was married and he had no right to hold her and the only reason she was in his arms was in search of comfort . He knew all that and still he felt comforted by her presence more than words could describe as he held her .

Few minutes must have passed he didn't know but he noticed she stopped crying and he knew it was the right thing to step back even if it was the hardest thing as well ,as he gently let go of her and walked out of the embrace . He saw the shock in her face as if she wasn't thinking clearly . Then he noticed the moment she collected herself and began to speak up

" I am sorry , I called you in haste . I am fine now. You can go now " she spoke up and he noticed she cringed at last when she ordered him to leave ,he knew she didn't mean to speak rudely and he would have trusted her words if she hadn't been crying when he stepped inside the house .

" I am sorry Arnav , it just that I went to pick up my son and he wasn't in his school and I panicked , my brother in law picked him up . He does it often but today I couldn't reach him ,so I didn't know if he was the one who picked my son. He just dropped my son few minutes ago , I should have called you ,I am sorry I forgot " she kept talking non stop , he knew she had tendency to speak non stop when she was nervous and when she was lying as well . He noticed that she didn't like her brother in law as her face looked pale at the mere mention of him .

" You have a son " he found himself speaking up , he knew she had been married for over four years and he should know she must have kids by now and yet he felt like he was in a standstill when it comes to her .

" Yes Rahul ,he is three years old " she answered back as a smile lit up her face at the mention of her son and it relieved him to see her smile . And he felt like a intruder in the new life she built for herself ,he didn't dare to ask where was her husband when his son went missing because he had no right to ask about the man she married , Arnav only knew her husband was much wiser than him for holding on to her unlike him , and he turned to leave her to the life she found for herself .

And his leg choose that moment to trouble him by acting up , he winced at the sharp pain that radiated from his leg . And he desperately hoped she didn't notice it but he wasn't that lucky . As her eyes drifted towards him in concern .

" Just old injuries acting up ,I will be fine in a minute " he spoke up as he answered her unasked query .

" Sorry Arnav ,I forgot about it . Sit down for awhile . Right leg right ?" She spoke up concerned and yet his mind fixated on the fact she knew about his injuries and even the leg that was damaged in the accident .

" Dad told me about it " she answered back this time to his silent query , apparently they could still read each others thoughts and also awhile he had no information about her ,she wasn't kept in the dark about him .


Gauri was freaking out when she stepped inside the kitchen with an excuse of getting him a drink  and yet her mind raced through the last few minutes of her insanity ,she hugged him and then asked him to get out all with in a short span of ten minutes . And worst of all she was still shaken up by the hug or how safe she felt with him , and then she had to blurt out about his accident and come across like a stalker ,she was married to someone else and had no reason to keep tabs on him .
She blamed everything on her brother in law ,his visit shook her up . Once she ended the call with Arnav ,she saw his car pull up inside the gate as her son rushed towards her ,she felt relieved to hold her son and the relief lasted few minutes until he entered inside the house as well .       

She spoke to her son to go to his room and she will come upstairs and turned to glare at her brother in law ,she wanted to slap the smirk across his face but she didn't want to rile him up just when all she wanted him was to drop the custody case .       

" It not necessary you know ,Your threat was loud and clear when I received the news of the court case. Why scare the little kid and frankly you have no interest in him ,why drag him into this battle between us . You can have the inheritance you felt I robbed you from by marrying your brother . So stop it please .." Gauri hated that she had to beg him but for her son she would do anything .           

" And let you marry the next guy you lay your eyes on ,frankly I was surprised when my brother named me as your son guardian but I never really trusted him . I lived 6 years in luxury and all it took was one day to change it ,the day my brother met you . Nope not making the same mistake , and I have found the perfect solution for both of us .  You will marry me " he spoke up and his words sent a frizzle of fear into her as he looked at her with his lust filled eyes . His hands went back to caress his cheek probably reminded about the time she slapped him and had Arun kick him out of the house or the time she slapped him two months ago  . 
" Never " She said the single word as she looked at him defiantly ,she was no longer the new bride she had been four years ago and she never really trusted him even when he came back begging her for forgiveness .   
"Why I am much younger than my brother and if you refuse my generous offer  Prepare to lose your son ,because when I win the custody of your son . You will never see him again and I am generous by heart ,so will give you a week to make up your mind otherwise you would find some willing guy and marry him .  " he spoke up as he walked away having shattered her life and only when he left did she let herself break apart and it was why she didn't think twice before rushing into Arnav arms ,he had always been there for when she was at her weakest ,except the one time she desperately needed him .
She poured out a glass of lemonade and hated that she still keep showing her insanity by giving him ,his favorite drink . He was still seated in the couch and his face was crunched up in pain as his eyes remained closed ,she remembered her dad telling her how the doctors feared he may lose the function of his right leg and not able to walk without the help of a cane . And she also heard about the corrective surgeries he underwent six months ago . To realize it still hurt him to walk after six months made her heart flicker with pain for him.
He loved running and he was addicted to it in an sense , he would sign up for every race in the school . Though he never had much interest towards sport he had been good at it . And now to realize he can't even stand for few minutes without pain was a hurtful truth that was hard for her to accept .  
His eyes flickered open as she got near and he took the glass from her hand as he gulped it down in an shot and got up to leave ,she knew it was still painful for him to walk but it was better for him to leave her soon before she end up spilling every secret of hers  to him      

Once he left , she felt the despair claim her yet again as the remainder of her brother in law kept her mind occupied ,she tried to keep the fear from reflecting on her face when she was around her son ,but the moment she tucked him into his bed ,she felt the tears threatening to fall as once again she stood helpless . Her hand reached for her phone as she waited for the person to answer in the other hand .       

" Beta .. " her father addressed  her as he answered the call ,and she found herself crying all over again and between the tears she managed to tell him everything because she couldn't do it without her family .

P.S :" That it for now ..Let me know your thoughts and Feedback. Hit the votes if you liked it "


Juanita Reid .

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