Boxing Day

43 6 0

231.03.18. | 5:33 a.m.

She woke up in terror. And in darkness. And in pain. She stirred, but immediately decided to keep laying stock still as a wave of agony roared through her body. Fighting the rising panic she tried to start small, with a hand perhaps. One hand was o... Well, not okay, not as such, but at least bearable.

She could sense a movement, sort of – speeding upward. Where am I? This is the usual thought when someone wakes up, usually not even conscious, as the surroundings are just what they are supposed to be. But here and now it triggered fear and panic. What is this place? How did I come here? I can't remember... Just as she realized this the motion stopped, and her prison came to such an abrupt halt that she was tossed up in the air and bumped back to the floor again. She considered to go unconscious again. But now the lid of this odd cage opened and sunlight streamed over her. Instinctively she closed her eyes, though not for long. Because a few feet above there were about two dozen... figures, blurry to her eyes against the bright sunlight. They just stood there, staring down at her. She could hear someone shout from behind: "What is it? Sissy to scared to get out?"

One of them jumped down and into the cage, and after a quick scan he shouted to the others:"It's a girl!", his voice baffled and surprised.

As he reached down to help her up her eyes adjusted to this sudden brightness just enough picture a face with a square chin and sun-bleached blond hair on a well-trained body. Then the world darkened again, to the fading words: "Uh-oh. Some help needed down here. She's out again."

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