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"What are we?" Law had asked her and Pearl couldn't find an answer to the seemingly simple question. The small bed Law was given to sleep in was barely enough for both of them to lie on, but they did it anyway. They faced towards the same direction because staring into each other's eyes somehow confused them.

"Lovers?" She had proposed.

Law smiled bitterly at the sound of that. "You don't believe that, do you?" Once again Pearl didn't answer. She thought about it for a while until unable to think of something better she replied:

"Nothing. We're nothing"

Law lifted his body up slightly and supported himself with his elbow, so he could have a better view of her. "Sounds more realistic" he replied and they exchanged a look that spoke for itself. They had called each other that before. You're nothing to me, I'm nothing to you. It was easier than trying to explain what was happening. And in fact... it was truly more realistic. "What would you do if died?" He asked all of the sudden.

"You saw my reaction back at Dressrosa." She said and paused for a moment. "I'd probably cry my eyes out and turn all hysterical again" she mumbled. She knew that she could be a nuisance sometimes but she didn't do it on purpose. During her crises she couldn't think clearly but afterwards she was filled with regret for her insane actions. Law hesitated for a moment. There was something else that he wanted to ask her and it was as if the question was blurted out by his lips without him being able to control them.

"What would you do if Luffy died?"

"I'd kill myself" she replied immediately. Realizing what she had said she left out a sigh. "I'm sorry"

"What are you apologizing for? Even at death a doctor doesn't want his patients to die-"

"Stop saying that I'm not your patient"

"That's right you're nothing. We're nothing"

"Are you feeling philosophical?" She asked and tried her best to turn around on that narrow bed and face him. Law looked at her for a moment as he processed her question but eventually he decided on an answer.

"No I'm just way too cynical for you to comprehend" he didn't know how exactly he expected her to react. Perhaps he anticipated a slap or a lusty comeback, but Pearl just smiled. Not bitterly, or sarcastically. Honestly. And said:

"That's okay." Law must have frowned surprised because Pearl went on to explain "It's good to know that you're the least intelligent person sometimes, especially when you've spent a handful of your days ready to bang your head against anything solid from Luffy's cluelessness. I am indeed quite slow sometimes." She admitted.

Law thought of asking her whether she was alright because he hadn't gotten used to her acting so maturely. But he figured that would lead to one more pointless conversation that would just end up spoiling the mood even more.

"So what are you going to do?" He asked.

"You mean with the alliance and all? I don't know. I guess I have to come to Wano but I'm thinking of joining Nekomamushi on his journey to find Marco first. I need to talk to him. He'll probably be mad at me as well... for stealing the hat that is"

"And then?"

Pearl giggled and grinned playfully at him. "Why are you asking? If I leave Luffy's crew though I'll probably go back to the circus, but thanks for the offer"

"I didn't say anything"

"Yeah your eyes spoke for you"

"You think too highly of yourself kiddo"

"Fuck you!"

"That's more like it" he whispered almost to himself.

Pearl then got up but as she looked around she realised that she had nothing to wear anymore. Her pants were so dirty and destroyed from how she had ran in the forest that they weren't wearable anymore. Law had torn apart the strip of fabric she used as her top as well as her underwear, so the only thing left for her to wear were her shoes. The small black fabric shoes that no matter what she did they were never torn. She turned around and looked at Law with an expression of worry as well as fake despair, since a smile had formed on her lips already.

"I have nothing to wear!" She exclaimed and Law looked at her dumbfounded. "Oh don't take that face you did your share as well!"

"You don't carry any clothes with you?"

"No? Why should I? I wash and wear the same thing."

"Great..." he muttered as he sat up. "I can give you a sweater or a shirt... but I don't think my underwear or pants will be comfortable for you." He said and Pearl felt her cheeks turn slightly red.

"I think a shirt will be fine" she rushed to say. "I might ask Robin for help"

"And how exactly do you plan on walking outside?" He asked her as he got up to look for a shirt to give her. Pearl had now turned completely red and hopped on the bed covering herself with the sheets. "You little exhibitionist!" Law smirked.

"Shut up! Or I'll use your sheets"

"Don't you dare! I sleep in these!"

"You have to wash them either way" she said returning the smirk.

"Alright I'll go ask Robin to... oh god I can't believe to what extents I'm going to protect your ass!" He said and sat in the floor covering his face with his hands embarrassed at the thought of asking Robin for a pair of women's underwear and some pants.

Pearl laughed and walked over to where he was. "Why don't you use shambles to get something?" She asked and before he could disagree saying that he had to be able to see what he was exchanging with shambles she added: "I can use my Haki to look for something that would be appropriate for me, tell you where it is and the you could just use room to go there for a brief second and then come back!"

Law rolled his eyes but agreed to it and Pearl ended up wearing, apart from her underwear to which we don't need to go into lots detail a loose pair of fabric pants, that had a deep purple colour and contrasted her black hair and a black shirt of Law's that she tugged inside them. The baggy clothes hid her scandalous body shape and only pointed out her thin waist. Giving her and even more witchy vibe than the one she already had.

After they had settled the matter of her clothes Pearl picked up her had and headed for the door. Law followed her and when she had exited his room he held her still wanting to tell her something that he hadn't found the right moment to say before.

"If you leave after Wano. I mean if we manage to survive and if this mission is successful, we probably won't be able to see each other again-"

"And why is that"

"Let me finish. And if you decide to leave with Nekomamushi, this might be the last time we are able to... do all this." He said and Pearl gazed at him not really being able to understand where this was going. "Goodbye" he told her and pulled her close to him kissing her gently.

Pearl returned the kiss and when they pulled away from each other she just nodded and left, knowing very well that that was indeed the last time they ever did something like that. She walked away and to her surprise that fact didn't sadden her. It didn't make her feel anything at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2020 ⏰

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