1 - A Rude Awakening

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Marinette groggily dragged herself out of bed after snoozing her alarm 4 times. Tikki doesn't like to yell since it can attract the attention of her parents, however Marinette was going to be extra late today if she didn't wake her up.

"Sorry I yelled at you Marinette but you really need to get going! School starts in 9 minutes!" Tikki flew into the closet and picked out a cute outfit for her. Marinette looked over it, forgetting that she had sewn it. The top was a black turtleneck sweater with a design of cat ears and whiskers hand sewn in white thread. The bottoms were high waisted jean-shorts. She wore cat stockings with black sneakers.

"Wow," Marinette said, dumbfounded by how she actually loved what she was looking at, "I should make more Chat themed clothes," Marinette chuckled.

"Marineeeeette," Tikki was a bit annoyed at this point, "Now you only have 2 minutes until you have to be in class."

"CRAP. You're right Tikki!" Marinette darted out of her room and sprinted the short distance to school. By the time she got to class she was 6 minutes late. She quietly entered the room, praying the teacher wouldn't notice her.

"Marinette if you are going to come in late at least own up to it dont try to hide," Mrs. Bustier said without looking behind her.


Adrien was lost in thought for the whole day. Hes never lost in thought like this unless he's worried about Ladybug, however Ladybug wasn't the girl on his mind. Marinette has been coming to school later and later, each time looking much more tired than the last.

"Adrien would you like to share with the class what you are thinking about that is causing you not to hear me calling you 5 times?!" Adrien's head shot up.

"Sorry ma'am." He cracked a small smile. Mrs. Bustier was about to continue her lesson when a loud "BOOM" was heard from inside the school.

"AKUMA EVACUATION EVERYONE YOU KNOW THE DRILL!" Mrs. Bustier had to scream in order to be heard amongst the panic. They made their way to the courtyard in an orderly fashion. It was too crowded for Adrien or Marinette to sneak off to transform without being caught.

"Crap I need to get out of here somehow," Marinette whispered under her breath. She felt Tikki shift in her purse. Tikki definitely sensed danger, but Marinette was too short to see over the heads of the hundreds of students. That problem was soon solved however, when students began to scatter and run off in different directions. Teachers could be heard ushering all the students to keep calm. Out of the corner of her eye, Marinette saw someone pushing against the crowd of people towards the akumatized victim. Almost instinctively, Marinette ushered after them, forgetting she wasn't Ladybug.

"Alya," Marinette whispered in a short breath, "that's Alya. WAIT ALYA NO DONT GO TO CLOSE!"

Alya couldn't hear her friend behind her. She was too focused on getting her scoop for the Ladyblog, that she completely missed the beam of light that was shot at her.





She fell to the ground.

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