2 - Savior

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Marinette instinctively ran to protect Alya, unaware that she wasn't Ladybug.



Marinette collapsed to the ground. Swarms of people crowded around her as the akuma hopped off after its prey. Marinette woke up a few minutes later in the nurses office, surrounded by her classmates......even Chloe.

"Oh my God girl are you okay?!" Alya asked the sleepy Marinette worriedly.

"Y-yeah I-I'm okay. I'm just drained," Marinette mustered. Alya nodded her head, gave Marinette a sympathetic smile, and ran off to record the akuma.

"Alya not again! Stop!" Nino yelled after her, but she didnt seem to hear him. Nino darted out the door after her, the girls following close behind him. Marinette gave the remaining few a worried look.

"Don't worry we'll go find them," Kim sighed, exiting the room with Max, Ivan, and Nathaniel. Chloe, Sabrina, and Adrien were the only ones left. Chloe looked Marinette up and down.

"Pathetic," Chloe said under her breath but loud enough for Marinette to hear. She flipped her hair behind her head and walked out of the room with Sabrina following close behind her. Adrien walked over to Marinette and tried to give her a genuine smile, but his eyes showed pure worry. Marinette noticed this.

"Adrien I'm fine you can go with the others," Marinette said, eager to be alone so she can transform.

"I know pri- Marinette. I don't want to leave you alone here but-" Marinette cut him off.

"No no it's okay, go," Marinette said in a crescendo as she really needed to transform.

(AN: I'm stupid and forgot to mention an important part of the story😑 Marinette now has control over her crush on Adrien and kind of likes Chat. Adrien feels protective of Marinette but still denies feelings, and he still loves Ladybug. They are in senior year of high school)

With that, Adrien nodded and headed out to find a safe place to transform. Marinette, finally alone let out a sigh and Tikki flew out of her purse.

"Marinette that akuma took a lot out of you I don't know if it's a great idea to transform like this."

"I'll be fine Tikki. Dont worry!" Marinette smiled sweetly at Tikki who smiled back at her. "Tikki, spots on!"


"What's the matter Adrien? Worried your purrincess won't be safe without you?" Plagg teased. Adrien looked at him with a displeased look.

"Har har very funny Plagg. We have to go help Ladybug. Plagg, claws out!"


Chat jumped from rooftop to rooftop, attempting to catch a glimpse of the akuma or Ladybug, but neither were in sight. He used his baton to see if there was any news on the Ladyblog of sightings of Ladybug or the akuma, but nothing. He called Ladybug, no answer. He began getting worried.

*Le flashback*

"Chat we really shouldn't use the tracker," Ladybug sighed

"But why not?! What if you get hurt and I can't find you?! What if I need you and you're not there?!" Chat paniced.

"Hey," she put her hands on his shoulders, "kitty calm down. If we use the trackers it puts our identities at risk. We can use it for emergencies, but only that, ok Chat?" Ladybug looked at him like he was a lost kitten.

"Okay bugaboo," Chat grinned, "But only because my lady is the cats meow and is so purrfect I would do anything for mew." Ladybug sighed, but let out a playful giggle.

"Stop with the cheezy cat puns!," she laughed.

*End of le flashback*

"Sorry Ladybug," Chat whispered to himself, "but this is an emergency." He pressed a button on his baton and it began scanning for Ladybug.

"For Marinette."

AN: I was gonna leave a cliffhanger here, but I realized it's not a very good one,....aaaaand the chapter's too short, plus we want to get to the interesting part! Let's continue shall we?? ;-;

"The school?" Chat questioned, "Don't worry Ladybug I'm coming."


Ladybug reluctantly crawled out of the cot in the nurse's office and dragged herself out of the room.

"What the hell is that akuma's power?!" She asked herself. She has never been this weak as Ladybug, no matter how little sleep she got.

This wasn't good.


She snapped her head in the direction of the loud boom of what sounded like a door slamming open. Someone was running at her at full speed. She needed to react, to run, fight, anything! Whatever that akuma's power was really drained her. At least Alya was okay. She braced herself for impact, but instead was greeted by the comforting touch of hands on her shoulders. She gently looked up and saw...

"Ch-Chat?" She weakly asked.

"My lady are you okay?! You look like you are about to faint! You're shaking!" Ladybug looked down at her hands. She really was shaking. This fight wasn't going to be fun.


Chat managed to get her on her feet and tried to convince her to leave most of the work to him, but she refused. After a few minutes of searching they found the akuma near the Eiffel Tower, hitting everyone that came by with beams of light that seemed to knock them out.

"Oh hello Ladybug and Chat Noir! Care to join the fight?!" The akuma hollered. The woman lifted her hand and a beam of white light, the same that hit Marinette, was shot at them from her watch. They darted out of the way quickly.

"I AM PRENEUR D'ÉNERGIE! (French for energy taker I couldn't think of a name lmao) I WASTED ALL OF MY ENERGY ON HIM TO GET HIM TO LOVE ME AND HE BROKE UP WITH ME! NOW IM GOING TO TAKE ALL THE ENERGY FROM HIM SO HE'LL KNOW HOW IT FEELS!" The akuma had a nasty scrunched up face. She was MAD. The mad akuma's are the most difficult to deal with.

"Crap. Welp, let's get this over with so you can go rest. Even ladybugs need their beauty sleep," Chat grinned. Ladybug cracked the best smile she could muster and headed towards the akuma, dodging the beams that were shot at her. Chat just stood there staring at Ladybug lost in thought. Something was wrong with her. She could get hurt. He had to make sure he kept an extra eye on her for this akuma.

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