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  ~Suichi's POV~

  Laying in my bed tossing and turning after the nighttime announcement. I already knew I would get no sleep that night. I closed my eyes and started to drift off KNOCK KNOCK I groaned and slowly sat up.
   "Who is it?" I called to the door rubbing my eyes. "It's me" I heard a very tired kokichi on the other side answer. I sighed and got off my bed and opened the door. "What do you want?" I asked trying to hurry so I could get back to 'sleeping'.
   "Do you have any painkillers?" He asked rubbing the sides of his forehead "why?... do you have a migr-"YES... I have a migraine... N-now answer me do you have any?" Kokichi so rudely interrupted me.
   I sighed and opened the door for him to come in. "Sit down I will get them" I stated and he sat down on my desk chair. I walked into my bathroom and opened the shelves behind the mirror.
   I grabbed the small bottle and walked back into my room. "Here" I gave him the bottle. I heard a sigh of relief "thank you Saihara~Chan this is why you are my favorite!" He smiles and got up "night~" he said opening the door and leaving into the abyss of blackness we call a hallway.
   I sighed locked my door again and climbed back into bed. That night I couldn't sleep due to my mind racing. 'Did kokichi really have a migraine or was he lying to me again?' Was a constant thought process I had.
   "Rise and Shine Ursine!" I heard from across the room. I shot up bed and starred at the TV screen. 'WHAT! ITS MORNING ALREADY!' I almost yelled out loud, but I fortunately didn't. I sighed "not like I don't get sleep every night" I whispered to myself getting up and changing my shirt.
   I opened my door and found the small pill bottle in the corner of the door frame. 'Kokichi must of came back here and put them here... wonder why I didn't hear him' I thought as I started to walk to the dining hall. I saw the gremlin in question sluggishly walking to the dinning hall.
   "Hey! Kokichi wait up!" I yelled and jogged up to him. When I saw his face I was a little shocked. He looked even paler than normal if that's even possible to add to that he had large bags under his eyes. "Hey... you Alright?" I asked and he out on his usual giddy smile.
  "Awe is Saihara~Chan worries about me?" He said with that smile it was obvious it was fake. That made me worry even more. Usually you can't tell if he is faking being giddy.
   "Yes I'm worried you are obviously not okay and you look exhausted" I grabbed his arm "you should go back to bed I can tell the others" I pleaded, but he shook from my grip "I'm fine~ rea-Ack Put me down!" Kokichi screamed and tried to squirm out of my grip around his stomach. 
   "You are obviously not Alright and I will make sure you get rest" I said dragging him slightly. "Uhhh... Shuichi what are you doing to kokichi?" I heard somebody ask from behind. I turned my head and it was Kiibo. "Oh he doesn't look ok so I'm forcing him to go get some rest" I responded "oh well I can see if he is sick if you want" Kiibo said and I nodded.
   Kiibo put his hand on kokichi's forehead only to get it smacked away.
   "Shuichi Saihara let go! I'm fine! my migraine didn't let me get much sleep cause those pain  killers didn't do anything!" Kokichi yelled "fine!" I yelled and let go abruptly causing him to fall.
   "Kiibo I'm going to the dining hall see you there" I said waved and left not even acknowledging the gremlin on the floor. "Uhh ok?" Kiibo said and looked to kokichi on the floor.

Kiibo's POV

   "Kokichi get up your in the middle of the hall" I pressed but the gremlin was unmoving. "Kokichi please!" I said and squared next to him. "Please get up" I pleaded he groaned. "That son of a.. mmm!... I have another migraine!" I grumbled angrily.
    "Can you at least get out of the middle of the hall?" I asked and he sighed as a response and rolled. Literally rolled to the wall. I walked over and sat next to him "Why was he so upset?" I heard kokichi ask himself.
    He sat up abruptly causing me to jump. "Why is this migraine so bad?" He whimpered to himself. "?" I was confused at the statement. "O-of course you don't know what a m-migraine is Stupid robot" I didn't even care about his remark. "Then explain it" I responded "it's basically a headache that is worse and lasts lon-AH" in the middle of his explanation he shoved his face in him knees and put his hands on the sides of his head covering his ears.
   "Kokichi?" I asked when he did that the only response I got was him tightening his grip on his hair. "Kokichi stop!" I yelled which only made it worse. He looked up at me tears in the corners of his eyes. "Kiibo don't talk it's making it worse" he whispered before burying his in his knees again. I sighed "get on my back" I whispered loud enough for him to hear. He hesitated but nodded and got on my back.  "It will be quite in your room we are going there and I will go get you some food" "ok" kokichi responded.
     At his door kokichi got off my back and unlocked the door "knock twice when you come back" he said before closing the door. I sighed 'I don't mind helping out a friend but why now' I thought while walking to the dining hall.
   When I opened the door I saw an unexpected sight. Shuichi was on the floor grasping his head like kokichi was. And monokuma was standing on the table. "Puhuhuhuuhhu.... looks like I can begin explaining the motive!" Monokuma chuckled. "This time around two people will get their memories back and their true talents will appear!" Monokuma chuckled. "What the hell! What's with this there has to be a catch!" Kaito yelled while rubbing Shuichi's shoulder. "Oh of course there is! The catch is at the end of the week if nobody has died then the two will turn back to normal and have to rip themselves apart! Or if somebody dies then the others get to chose which way the persons memory stays!" Monokuma giggles "HAPPY KILLING!" Monokuma yelled and ran out.
   "Who else is getting memories back?!" Kaito questioned loudly. Everyone looked around as my stomach dropped and I ran out towards kokichi's dorm. When I got there a knocked twice. No answer. I knocked again and again until I started to bang on the door. "Kokichi get away from the door!" I yelled in and did something I regret. I kicked the door in and ran inside. I noticed kokichi on the ground.
    "Kokichi!" I ran over him I started to shake him awake, but it didn't work. "Kiibo! Whoa! What the heck happened to the door and why are you in the rats room." I heard Miu behind me. I picked kokichi up with a hand under his legs and back. I stood up his head falling with a quite this on my chest. "I think the other player in this motive is kokichi" I said before putting kokichi on his bed.
   "Serves him right" Miu said before walking out of the  room. I sat on his bed and grabbed kokichi's hand. "This is going to be a long week."

1308 words
Pretty good wording on the first chapter right I hope you enjoyed.

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