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Kiibos POV

            Kokichi snuggles into me and sleeps. It's like he is freezing. I can't shake the feeling something absolutely terrible is going to happen soon but I need to shake that off.
            The next morning was peaceful and we walked down to the dining hall. I was only now that I realized that only 7 of the original 16 remained. We all sat in silence until tsumugi spoke up. "We should take down Monokuma before he has the chance to kill us" she stated.
             Kokichi chocked on his food and coughed it back up. Everyone else had the same reactions except maki who naturally just was cool with anything. "W-what do you mean?" Kokichi stuttered a bit from choking. "Let's take him out before we go" "let's not" Kaito states. "That's a death wish just waiting to happen we are trying to survive here" he added.
            "I'm gonna be right back" kokichi whispered to me before getting up and running out.
             When he got back he was out of breath form running. "What did you get?" I asked he pulled a remote out form his pockets. "It's something Miu made for me" he stated sitting back down. "She said it can control any machine I need it to" he added.
                I slightly shivered "relax I was gonna try it on the microwave" he stated. "Well go try it out" Shuichi said. Kokichi nods and we all followed him to the kitchen. "Kiibo stand back just Incase I have not used this before" kokichi said I nodded in response.
              Kokichi pointed it at it and pressed a button. The alarm saying the microwave was done cooking went off. "Guess it works" Shuichi states. "Yeah" kokichi smiles.
               "Let's get started then" tsumugi said ruffling Kokichi's hair.
             By the end of the day we had a plan talking in code words so Monokuma would have trouble translating. The plan was that kokichi would use an exisal and pretend to be the mastermind. He would take Kaito and using his brute force Kaito could easily take the problems that head their way.
          Maki wasn't okay with the plan. She thought kokichi was going to kill Kaito no matter what anybody said. But it's too late to change it. Tonight the plan would be set into motion.

Kokichi's POV

        Kaito and I just got through the first half of the plan. We were   currently sitting in an area with not many cameras. The bathroom in the exisal hanger.
           A loud bang was heard outside. I shot you and ran to see what it was. It was a rouge exisal I pulled out the remote to control it, but maki hopped out. I rushed over whisper yelling "Maki what are you doing?!" She held up a crossbow when I got closer to her. I put my hands up "woah hold on a second maki" I stated.
             "Maki roll! What are you doing?!" Kaito whisper yelled. I turned to Kaito as maki shot an arrow hitting me in the arm. I yelped in surprise and pain. I crumbled over and was shot again. This time my back. I looked at maki with disbelief 'is she really gonna kill me in front of Kaito!' My thoughts screamed. Maki raised the crossbow again aiming at my head. Kaito's wrist covered my vision. 
             I was still alive Kaito took the shot for me. Maki's widened and she ran out. Kaito grabbed my and dragged me back to the bathroom. "Kaito I have a new plan" he nods "kill me after I turn the cameras off" I whispered so low I could barely hear it. He nodded.
              Maki came back and threw the antidote at Kaito but I grabbed it like planned. I pretended to drink it and maki left. "Here" I croaked out throwing it to Kaito. I set off the electro bomb.
             The next 15-20 minutes were painfully setting up the perfect murder. And now it was time for me to go. "Hey thanks for helping out..." i said "yeah" he responded awkwardly.
              "Hey do me a favor" I stated "what is it?" Kaito asked standing on the operating station. "Tell Kiibo I love him for me" I stated he nodded. "Probably didn't know we were together huh?" I asked and he shook his head. "Well goodbye... remember the plan" I stated before he started the video and the press at the same time.
           It was suffocating but ended fast.

Shuichi's POV

           We burst through the door as planned. It was a nauseating sight to see Kaito's sweater hanging out of a bloody press. Kokichi was nowhere to be found.
            The trail of the ages happened. We found out Kaito had killed kokichi after being asked to. Kaito walked over to Kiibo after saying his goodbyes and whispered something I didn't catch.
            'How did the plan end so horribly?' I thought before Kaito went into his execution. Maki was sobbing by the end. Kaito has surprised us by dying from a sickness and not the execution. 
              Immediately after the execution Kiibo ran off. I followed quickly. I followed him to the dorms and finally Kokichi's dorm. He pulled out a key and opened it. I was a bit confused about why Kiibo had a key to Kokichi's dorm.
               Be closed the door or tried to before I stopped it with my foot. "Why do you have a key for Kokichi's dorm?" I asked Kiibo didn't answer. I stepped inside with him shutting the door behind me.
              "You guys didn't know but we were together... I didn't think I would lose him... like that" Kiibo said slightly shaking. I rub his shoulder and he hugs me. I jumped a little but let him hug me.
               "Well it's only so much longer in this game.. just last a little longer" I said rubbing his back he let go and nodded. He looked depressed, but he hid it poorly. "Thanks I needed that..." he said sadness still showing.
999 words
Yes this is the last chapter but the second book is going to open soon.... also sorry if this felt rushed. The next will be called After Death. Look for it on my page.

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