chapter 13

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Citadel days later...

3rd person pov

(Y/n) was going up on a elevator, to his office. While he was going up he was thinking about the leader of the gri the doctor mentioned. And he needed information, but he didn't know who to ask. But in one thought, it came to mind one person old enough to know something. Ozpin. Once he arrive to his floor, he entered his office. Got to the big console behind his desk and turn it on.

 Got to the big console behind his desk and turn it on

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(I forgot to put a picture of the office sorry.)

He pressed some bottoms, and called ozpin.

Ozpin: Mr.rose. it's a surprise, why did I own the pleasure?

Y/n: ozpin. I need some vital information that you probably know. And I want answers.

Ozpin: I'll make sure to give be you enough information that you need. Ask way.

Y/n: do you know something about the Grimm having a leader?

Ozpin didn't answer. He was shocked about the combine already knowing information about their leader. And his silence wasn't unnoticed by the over lord.

Y/n: your silence approves our theory, so I want answers right now ozpin.

Ozpin: i-i truly don't know about the Grimm having a leader.

Y/n: you are stuttering ozpin. So there is someone in control of the Grimm. Answer me right now ozpin.

Ozpin: I don't know what are you talking about.

Y/n: if you don't tell me right now I will destroy vale and your school full of idiotic children. You don't have a choice ozpin.

Ozpin: ...her name is Salem... She is the queen of Grimm, and she is almost powerful as a god.

Y/n: ...two can play that game ozpin. At this point in time. We are gods. And if it bleeds... They can also die.

Ozpin: you are crazy if you decide to attack her. She could destroy all remnant of she wants.

Y/n: and we could too if we wanted. And she just controls a army of animals. We have synth. The greatest soldiers of the dimension. We could strike her down with out a problem.

Ozpin: you can't kill her! She is inmortal you are just going to send men to die.

Y/n: and you don't do it already? But you don't send men, you send children to die by the Grimm.

Ozpin was taken back by the words of the overlord.

Y/n: and you don't denied it. You are just as a monster has me, ozpin.

Ozpin: do not compare the thing that you have done with mine Mr rose.

Y/n: why not? you are like me. You do everything to achieve your goal. Even probably you follow order, just like me.

Ozpin was more nervous, and the overlord notice his face. And so he smirked behind his mask.

Y/n: so you follow orders. From who? The council? Nah they are to occupied stealing the money of the people. The general? Nah his too stupid even to know that. No one come to my mind.

Ozpin was relive now. He didn't know everything. But he was now more than careful with the combine.

Y/n: but how I know you are not going to tell me what I need. I'm going to send some CPs to the school to start a investigation.

Ozpin: you can't do that! You will be terrorising the students. And violating their privacy.

Y/n: oh, I can do that. But doy worry about the students, they will be left alone. They will enjoy their time alive before you send them to die.

Ozpin didn't say anything but to glare to the overlord. He was kinda mad by the actions taken by the Overlord on coming to his school to "investigate". So, with out answering the overlord. He called his assistant to come to his office. Moment later she arrive to the office.

Goodwitch: yes ozpin? What is it?

Ozpin: miss goodwitch. It looks like we are going to have some uninvited guests.

Goodwitch: who are this guest that you talk about?

Ozpin: well... They are the civi protection, and they are going to come here to "investigate" about salem.

Goodwitch: *shocked* do they know?

Ozpin: not everything. But make sure to not let them near the vault. They most not know about the maidens.

Goodwitch: understood. Should I tell the students about the arrive of the combine?

Ozpin: yes, but tell them to not interrupt them by any means. We do not want them to suspect about the vault.

Goodwitch: ok ozpin. I will tell them right away.

And with that she leave the room. Leaving ozpin in his thought, on how the combine knew about the Grimm having a leader. He was worried about how powerful the combine could be with the maidens power.
And not to mention. The magic in remnant. They could achieve the goal to conquer the whole multi-verse.

The combine will destroy it all....

To be continued.

So sorry guys about the wait. I got a new PC gaming, I got some homework, and I actually didn't have electricity. This chapter was a lot larger. BUT. THE FUCKING ELECTRICITY WAS CUT OFF BY SOME FUCKING RAIN AND TRESS!!! and not only that. :D. I didn't have electricity for more than Fucking 12 hours... Haha... Here where I live it's hot. And a lot. I have to sleep with fucking hot. And my fucking chapter was deleted. Because I didn't save before the power run out.... Haha.... I enjoyed this weekend. Welp cya m8s!!

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