chapter 15

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3rd person POV

When Blake finally got out she got infront of a fountain in the school, then she cried, she was full of sadness because of the discrimination one of her teammates made, then she took the bow from her head, only to reveal she is a faunus.

???: I knew you would look better without the bow.

Said a mysterious voice, Blake turn to see who spoke, only for her to see that is was the monkey faunus from the docks. Then both of them left the school.


It was finally morning, and in the room of team RBWY, Ruby was waking up, and when she finally wake up she found out that Blake didn't go back to the dorm during the night so she woke up the rest of her team and tell them of that her teammate haven't come back. When they finally dress them self, they go to vale un search of her friend.

Meanwhile with Blake, she was in a store drinking tea with the monkey faunus who name was Sun. Blake didn't talk to him, because she didn't trust him, but with sometime without talking she decided to talk with him.

Blake: sun do you know who are the white fang?

Sun: finally you speak! After 2 days you haven't talk and you just only give me wierd looks.

Blake glared at the monkey faunus.

Sun: yeah like that!

Blake: sun, are you familiar with the white fang?

Sun: well obviously, I don't know a faunus who doesn't know who the white fang are. They are just some bunch of psychopaths.

Blake: Blake I was one of them.

Sun: you were a member of the white fang?!

Blake: I was part of the white fang, or more like I was born in it. In the ashes of war, the white fang was a simbol of peace between the faunus and humans. But even if the faunus was promise to peace, the faunus gain the hate and discrimination of the human, they thought we were the inferior species. And so the white fang rose up has the voice of our people. And I was there, I was in front of every rally, and I thought we were making a difference. But it was my optimistic youth. The five years later, our leader quiet the white fang and a new one took his place. The new leader had his way of protest, suddenly our peaceful protest became organized attacks, sending in fire multiple discriminatory groups, and hijacking company's who use faunus slave labors. And the worse thing, it was that working, we were being treated as equals, but not out of respect... But out of fear... So I left. I decide to not use my skill to help them in there violence, and instead I will dedicate my life to become a huntress. So here I am, a criminal in the public eyes.

Sun: Have you tell your friends any of this?

While sun and Blake talk, the rest of team RWBY were looking for Blake, yelling her name to see if she appears


Yang: Blake!!

Ruby: weiss your not helping.

Weiss: you know who could help? Civil protection.

Yang: that doesn't help.

Ruby: ugh, weiss.

Weiss: it was just an idea!

Ruby: yeah, a bad one.

Yang: weiss, we should probably hear the side of the story before we jump into conclusion.

Weiss: and I say when we hear it, you are going to see that I'm right.

Penny: and I think that weiss hair looks wonderful!

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