Chapter 15

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Alex was enjoying the evening breeze, sitting on the end of the dock, with a glass of Merlot. Marcus was standing by the woods, occasionally sniffing the air.

"Hey Marcus, come over here, I've got a question for you!"

Marcus walked over, wary of her questions. "How can I help you Luna?"

"Do you guys have Halloween parties?"

"Of course." He smiled

"Do you guys dress up or just turn into wolves?"

Marcus rolled his eyes. "We dress in costume Luna."

"Wouldn't it be funny if someone dressed in a wolf costume!" She laughed. Marcus was stoic. "You clearly have no sense of humor. Shoo...Go back over there!" waving her hand toward the woods.

Off in the distance she could hear a boat, it was too dark to see anything. If the sound was anything to go on she knew who it was. Trevor always drives that boat like a crazy person.

It had been a week and she could not deny the pull she felt to him. But she had to keep a clear head. None of the bad decisions of the past. She knew better now not to let attraction get in the way of common sense. She allowed him to hug her, but no other physical contact. Alex was still getting used to all the wolfy stuff.

When he pulled up to the dock, she couldn't stop the silly grin that was on her face. "Good evening beautiful, what are you doing tonight?" Trevor sat down beside her.

Alex looked around, then at her lap and replied cheekily, "It would appear that I am sitting."

"Ha ha very funny." he said mockingly. "I meant do you have any plans?"

Alex laughed. "I knew what you meant. Do wolves not have a sense of humor? Moose didn't laugh at my joke earlier and now you."

"We have wonderful senses of humor. You just were not funny." He grinned.

Alex feigned hurt and then fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"I'm free as a bird. What did you have in mind?"

"Come with me to the pack house. There are people I would like you to meet." He had a hopeful smile on his face.

"What? Are you crazy? I can't go like this! First impressions are everything! I need at least 2 hrs! No. Nope. Can't do it!" She shook her head.

"Fine. How about dinner tomorrow night? At say 6, that will give you 22hrs." he tapped his watch.

Alex knew she had to meet people eventually, may as well get it over with. "Ok."

"Great! I better go because I feel the need to kiss you."

Alex's face heated at his bluntness. She cleared her throat. "Um...ok...just this once." Trevor didn't give her a chance to change her mind. He pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her waist and gave her a searing kiss. He pulled back with a huge smile on his face. " I'll see you tomorrow princess." Alex smiled, the ability to speak had vanished with the kiss.


He hated to leave her but had to get back to the pack house. They still had not interviewed the wolves that were taken with Derek.

Daniel I'm back what room are you in?

Interrogation room 3

Trevor walked into the room and saw a very nervous looking man seated at the table, with 2 burly guards and Daniel. "Alpha I'm really sorry...." Trevor cut him off. "You do not speak until I have asked a question!" The man bowed his head.

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