In a galaxy far, far away...
After the failure of the First Order and the death of Kylo Ren, the universe fell into an unusual peace. The Jedis went into hiding once more, this time for hundreds of years. Soon the Jedis and the Sith were nothing but myth and legend. They became fairytales told to inspire children to behave properly.
Sure, there were still bad people out there. There were the pirates and the assassins that terrorized the Outer Rim. Sometimes a war between a planet or two would break out, but was quickly extinguished by the new government. The rebels and all the known rulers had joined together to create the Galactic Union and Republic. Otherwise known as the Republic, or the G.U.R. The planets were separated into districts. Every three years each planet held elections for their own local governments. Then every five years each district voted on a ruling official. The officials from each district would meet regularly to discuss matters of the Galaxy.
Right after The First Order failed, there were small groups who would try to insert their power. They still believed in the First Order. These groups were violent, but not well organized. The republic quickly put these up-risers down. Soon, just as the Jedi and the Sith, the First Order became a distant memory.
But not for some.
STAR WARS: The Enlightenment
Fanfiction~An original story set in the Star Wars universe!~ Nearly 300 years after the First Order was destroyed, a girl with no name befriends an alien who is a famous ring-fighter with unusual abilities. When a group of warriors enlist the fighter for the...