~♪Afraid our aim is out of sight♪~

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Cassie age: 16

Y/n age: 13

Giant wings are heard flapping in the air, flying about a big yet shallow lake. Y/n Smiles brightly While flying in the air. She fly's high above the lake, "Y/N! Down here!" Cassie yells waving her hands around, Next to the lake, Y/n fly's in front of Cassie making a huge gust with her wings, sending Cassie flying on her but, "A-Ah! I-I'm so sorry Cassie!" Y/n frantically begins to worry, Cassie lets out a huge laugh, holding her stomach in the process, "Haha! It's alright N/n, If you give me a hug, I'll forgive you!" Cassie opens her arms out still on the floor.

Y/n Lands on her feet, rushing over to Cassie engulfing her into a Huge bear hug, Her Soft wings wrap around Cassie's perfect frame. Cassie's hand begins to pet Y/n's hair. Cassie begins to weep, "S-Sis? W-What's wrong did I do something wrong?" Y/n Asks sady

"No...no, Y/n." Cassie lets out a huff of sadness, while cupping Y/n's Cheeks, "I Have Cancer." Cassie finally lets out, "And I might not live." Those words hit Y/n like a rock? Not live? What's Y/n going to do if she loses Cassie? She loves Cassie with all her heart? She begins to break down, her wings flopping to the ground, "W-What do you mean-" Y/n lets out a whimper while crying, she clings onto Cassie,

"Shhh, Shhh, I'm here, Y/n," Cassie looks down at Y/n petite body, Her eye's soften for a moment, then begins to fill with a determined look, "Let's leave." Cassie grabs both of Y/n's hands, "What do you m-mean?"Y/n tilts her head in confusion, "From this abuse, Let's leave! I-I can't handle this anymore, you, me, Us both getting her by these good for nothing step parents! No they don't even deserve to be called parents!"

Y/n nodded, tear's stained her cheeks, she hugs Cassie tightly, not ever wanting to let go. Cassie lets out a small smile, She loved Y/n Like a daughter, even if she herself was young. All her life she took care of herself and Y/n, Let's just say Cassie was sorta a bitch at others at school not letting anyone get close to her. The only person Who Ever let in was Y/n. Cassie always taught the things from school to Y/n, since she could never really go to school because of her wings.

Cassie thought Y/n was an angel, sent from the heavens. 'A Gift From Heaven' Is what Cassie likes to call it. Someone to take away her pain and sorrow. That's what Y/n Did.

-6 year's later-

Cassie age 22

Y/n Age 19


Cassie was laying in a Hospital bed, Y/n was crying while burying her face in Cassie's legs, "Momma please, Please don't go!" Y/n was crying hard.

'Momma' Cassie thought, Y/n's voice soothes Her ears, she raised Y/n and taught her things, When Y/n started calling Cassie Momma, Cassie was thrilled, Y/n thought of her as a mother, Cassie just hoped, just hoped She raised Y/n good, To be honest Cassie loved to spoil Y/n, All though Y/n would cry with joy every time she got a gift she never was a greedy person, she loved to share with her Momma or in other words Cassie.

"D-Did I do a g-good job? A-At Raising you." Cassie choked out, Y/n lifted her still crying face, "Y-Yes Momma! Y-You're The Best Momma I ever had! P-Please, Don't leave me!" Y/n cried while asking Cassie, She new it was greedy, but she can't cope with her life if Cassie was gone.

'yes Momma! You're The best Momma I ever had' Those words.

With those words Cassie was Finally able to rest at peace.

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