~♪Where are you now♪~

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Y/n was shocked, Blood was smeared on her face, her wings are high in the air, in some sort of defense mode. To say the least she was just frozen in shock. Captain America could clearly see this, he can't just leave the beautiful angel there frozen and shock.

He then picked her up bridle style, "It's okay, Shh.."
Y/n's head was snuggled into Captains Americas chest, she was clinging onto him like her life depended on it. Her huge wings were wrapped around him as well. Y/n Slowly shut her eyes, She then fell asleep in Steve's arms.


Once Y/n woke up she seem to be on a metal table, her wings and arms strapped, Lastly her legs. Tear's were pooled up in her eyes, Where was she? was she in danger? She looked up to see a bald man with an eye patch, "Miss L/n, I need you to calm down. If you try to attack us we will be hostile, We will release you from these binds, don't try anything." The Man's voice did not waiver one bit.

I nodded my Head Swiftly, My Wings were hurting from the binds being to tight, The bald man looked over at some people, the people rushed over to me fiddling with some keys, before unbinding me. I slowly sat up taking in my surroundings, "Miss L/n, I have a proposal for you. You Don't seem like a threat, but you could be, Would you like to join the avengers? If not you could just stay in a cell for the rest of your life.." The man slowly trailed off. My eye's slowly widen Who did these people think they are?! And how do they have the right to put me in a cell??!

I sighed, I definitely did not want to live in a cell for the rest of my life, Plus I don't have anywhere to go, "I accept.." I say, "Good choice, I'm Nick fury but call me Director Fury, I'll have someone lead you to the avengers tower, he goes by the name of Peter Parker." I nod my head, "Peter! Get your butt in here!" Fury yells out

A guy tumbles in wearing a red and blue spandex suit, that slightly resembles a spider He was also holding his Mask in his hand, Well I assume that's his mask it does go with the outfit.

,Y-Yes Director Fury- Sir!" The man who's name is Peter stumbled on his words, He holds his hand out to me, "Hi, I'm Peter-man- no I mean Parker-Spider, Wait- N-No I-I mean- I'm Peter Parker.." he let out a nervous laugh while blushing. I grab his hand gently While letting out a giggle, "I'm Y/n L/n, Nice to meet you Peter!" I smile at him, "Peter, You'll show Miss L/n here The Avenger's tower." Fury said while getting up, "Y-Yes! Sir!"

Peter pulled on my hand, I then got up. He mumbled a 'Follow me' While talking me out of the room I was just in.

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