Epilogue (The End)

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(A/N: When I said that I had one more chapter, I meant an epilogue.)

Seras watched the moon hanging brightly in the sky. It was on a night like this that her old life ended and her new one began. Whether it changed for the better or for worse, she still wasn't sure, but there was no going back.

But now what was she supposed to do? Hellsing was gone, and so were their enemies and rivals. What was a vampire like her to do for all eternity? There was no way in hell she was going to become like the evil freaks she had hunted down, that she was certain of, but what her future held was a question she didn't have an answer to. She had nothing to go back to, and she had nothing left.

Well, that wasn't true, she still had her master. But what was he going to do now that the Hellsing line had ended. He was still bound by the same laws he had been under when Hellsing was still around, so she didn't need to worry about him becoming like he had been in his darker days, at least not too much like them.

She knew that the killing wouldn't stop. There always were and always will be creatures like people like the Millennium organization and the rogues. Alucard was glad for it, because it meant more vermin for him to kill. Seras knew she would fight and kill too. It was in her nature; it was unavoidable. And truth be told, she too was glad that there would always be dark creatures in this world for her to tear apart. She was well and truly a vampire. Gone was the Kitten the friendly cop, now she was Seras Victoria, fledgling of Alucard the vampire king. And based upon the rules of Turning, she technically no longer needed Alucard.

And this brought the question that really worried her. Would he leave her? Would she be left all alone in this world? She had drunk his blood; she was now, as Alucard had said, singular and complete. Did this mean that she was on her own?

"You think too much, Police Girl." Said Alucard, appearing behind her.

Seras had known he was there, even before he had spoken or appeared. "Well there's a lot to think about, master. With Hellsing gone, I have no idea what I'm going to do for all eternity."

Alucard chuckled. "I'll give you a suggestion, just take life as it comes. Don't worry about what tomorrow might bring. Just live in the here and now."

Seras sighed. "I suppose that's true, but I would like some idea of what's going to become of me."

Alucard was silent for a moment, but then he spoke. "You could come with me."

Seras looked up at him. He was wearing his usual calm collective smile. "With you?"

"The choice is yours." He told her, and held out his hand. "What do you want to do?"

Seras looked up at him. She knew that when he said to go with him that he didn't just mean for the time being. This was a question as serious as the time he asked her if she had wanted to live after she had been shot. If she took his hand now, there would be no leaving him, no going back, and she knew it. She would be his mistress of the night, his dark queen, and he was leaving the choice up to her. She had to decide what to do

Alucard watched her carefully as she thought about her decision. He was glad that she was taking the time to think about it; this wasn't a decision she could make without thinking it through carefully.

"What do you want to do?" he repeated.

A few more moments of silence passed. Slowly Seras brought her hand up and reached for his. She placed it in his gloved hand and held it. His long fingers closed over her hand and his grin widened.

"Police Girl, tonight is truly a beautiful night."


(A/N: Well, my 'Hellsing' fic comes to a close. Currently I have no plans for a sequel, but who knows what might happen in the future. Thank you everyone for reading.)

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