Chapter 1

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"Lee, I'm leaving early."

I turned to look at Evelyn who was already taking off her black apron. Why bother tell me, it's not like she was going to ask for my permission?

"Evelyn, you know my name is Liam. You know I hate it when you shorten my name."

I was sure she did it deliberately. In her eyes, she felt she deserved to be left in charge by my girlfriend Madison when she left for Italy.

So what if Evelyn had been here longer and I barely knew anything about coffee let alone managing a coffee shop. A fact she relished in reminding me of time and time again whenever I made a mistake, which was way too often.

"What is it this time? Your cat is sick? Hot date?"

She kissed her teeth louder than neccesary. She no longer hid her disdain for me. I wondered why she just didn't quit. She wasn't making that much here.  

I was tired and didn't have the energy to fight her. Why bother, she would do whatever she wanted to?

I should lock up early. The only customers we had were here for the free wifi and the quiet between them all they barely bought any coffee. It was sometimes too quiet for my liking.

I should put a sign to say we are closing at 7pm instead of the usual 8.30pm.

I walked towards Lucy a regular. She was here for hours on end after school. I half suspected that she didn't have a happy home life.

She didn't say, I didn't ask. I could see the disappointment on her face as I told her.

I was sorry, that tub upstairs was calling my name. I just wanted to soak in my new lavender bath bombs while I  had pizza and wine while blasting 90's RnB.

The two girls Sammy and Nicky quietly giggled in the other corner. It was beautiful to see young love. I suspected they didn't have a place they could hang out without fear.

I remembered betting with Maddie that they were couple. They nodded as I told them and continued to take pictures.

David, the novelist furiously typed away. His novel never seemed to be completed. I smiled as he nearly jumped out of his skin when I touched his shoulder.

He smiled at me and said he would leave shortly.

I wiped a table that had streaks on it. Evelyn hadn't quite mastered wiping tables. She should have used a cleaner towel. It was important that the place be spotless. I wasn't losing my health certificate because of her carelessness.

She walked past me without a word as she left. I just rolled my eyes as I  watched her leave. I should call Maddie and she should talk to Evelyn about her attitude.

A boy ran through the doors and bumped into the table nearest to the door and leapt over the next table and like a ninja he was over the counter and crouched behind it.

I shook my head unsure if I had just witnessed it. I ran after him, my cafe wasn't the place for parkour tricks.

I heard the door frantically forced wide open by a boy I immediately recognised as Tomas Rodriguez. It was never good news if he was around.

I stood behind the counter and felt my right leg being gripped by the boy crouching under it.

Tomas and his friends eyes quickly darted around and couldn't find their prey. They stopped when they saw me staring down at them.

"Good evening Mr. Hopkins."

"Hello Mr. Rodriguez. Do you and your friends want coffee. I'm about to close." He looked around and addressed me.

"Um, no sir, we are looking for our friend. I thought I saw him come this way." His friend whispered 'try bathroom'.

"As you can see, these are the only customers present. There is a sign there, the bathrooms are closed. Frank is cleaning them right now."

They all looked to the yellow plastic sign under the toilets sign and they nodded.

One of the hooligans loudly whispered, 'why do we have to call him sir. We not in school?' I rolled my sleeves and looked at the idiot. The group recoiled.

I knew I had a reputation of being a famous pugilist but the rumours were greatly exaggerated.

The boy who had stupidly challenged me to a fight hadn't expected me to take him up on his offer.

Before my fist had connected with his face, he had fainted out cold. I never corrected the rumours and the boy hadn't either. No One dared to mess with me.

"Well, sorry to disturb. We, we, will be on our way then. Goodnight sir."

"Goodnight, greetings to your mom and dad." He stopped with his hand on the door and nodded.

He knew exactly why I had said that. His father was a no nonsense man and he would probably get a thorough beating if I spoke to him.

A former major in the army he believed in corporal punishment. As a teacher, there was only so much I could do about the kids home life.

I stood by the counter and tapped on it and a tall skinny boy with shiner and blood on his nose and split lip stood up.

"They gone?"

"Have they left yet?" I corrected him. It took him a while to understand what I meant. I nodded. He hadn't let go of my thighs. It was beginning to be a tad uncomfortable.

He took his sweet time to stand up. I didn't want to think the worst of him but I was sure he was feeling me up when he was standing up. He had placed both hands on my waist as he stood up. I didn't know how to react to this.

As he stood before me I noticed that We were almost the same height. I really looked at him. Those bullies had done a number on him. The front of his white shirt was bloodied and torn. He must have used his sleeve to wipe the blood.

He touched his forehead and winced. I could see the boot marks on his clothes. His tan pants were more brown, he must have laid in mud.

"Should I call the police for you. I know those boys and where they live."

"No. Its looks worse than it is. I will be fine. Thanks for covering for me."

"I didn't do it for you. My cafe is a safe zone and everyone in the neighbourhood knows this place."

"Oh. Thanks anyway." He turned to walk away, I didn't miss the limp.

"Stop right there." He frowned.

"You can't go back home looking like that. Stay there."

"I will be ok. Thanks." He took a step forward, luckily I caught him just before he hit the ground.

I asked Frank to lock up as I took him to my apartment above the cafe to attend to his wounds.

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