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Harry stood there, fists clenched, angry after an argument with Ginny, angry at his broken marriage, angry that his own children hated him, angry that his friends hated him, angry at what could have happened and what should have happened and what could still have happened.

Harry still had the time turner he confiscated from Draco back in 2020, hidden away in his invisibility cloak. A plan formulated in his head and he began making preparations for putting it into action.

Going immediately to find his cauldron, Harry collected the ingredients for Amortentia, the strongest love potion to have ever been created. The Half-Blood Prince's copy of Advanced Potion Making sat open on a chair opposite him, he had gone back to find it, after Ginny had hidden it in the room of requirement.

Over time, the potion was complete and Harry captured a few, select memories in a vial before setting out on his mission to fix his life. Invisibility cloak on and time turner set to go back to 1995.

Harry marvelled at how disgusting wallpaper could be, when his eyes landed on a calendar: 23rd November 1995; the twilight outside indicated it was early in the morning, he'd made it to the right time. It was the first time he had felt joy in months.

Harry apparated at the outskirts of hogwarts; he walked towards the castle, feeling like he had arrived at home after a long imprisonment in his own personal hell. He entered the huge gates and positioned himself out of the way and waited...

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